Exagogica Panoptikon
4.1 DReCT

DReCT module is an easy to use, fast and accurate tool.  Carachterized by high predictive capability it has been engineered to be used both within large organizations and in smaller ones. A simple and immediate way to evaluate the soft skills of people and their capability to play a role in a specific operational area within an organization.  

DReCT test consits of 4 series subdivided in 48 very short questions to which the person that performs it may answer yes or no.  The score of each series determines the value on the 4 basic competences (Decision sector, for example, is focused on Responsibility, Determination, Selectivity and Analyticity skills). The various combinations of each series (drive) determine a characteristic profile and its overall value.

The combinations of the values shown in the 4 Drives, in turn, determine the person's orientation in the "compass" of the balance of competences and his positioning with respect to the axes of openness to others and openness to change.

In this way, based on the balance that the person expresses among his/her different skills, the system is able to provide predictive indicators of his/her employability in one of the 4 identified areas : 

  • Planning area
  • Executive area
  • Commercial Area
  • Creative area

The test can be carried out in a single session, or subdivided into its 4 sections. Once the test has been completed, the user can provide his/her own feedback, highlighting the major deviations from his/her own self-perception.

This self-assessment is useful as element of the overall assessment in DReCT Team system.  
At the end of the test, the system presents three different individual reports. The complete report, composed of 12 pages, can be downloaded both in the standard version and with the addition of the methodological notes (in this case the complete document consists of 33 pages).

For each Drive (Decision, Resilience, Communication, Enthusiasm) an analytical report is presented about the values ?achieved by the person in each skill and the meaning that this value assumes taking into account the reference population.

In addition to the general reports, it is also possible to upload the partial report related to each Drive. This is the same page contained in the complete report, but its availability is given as the 4 sections of the test are completed. In this way, it is possible to complete a battery of questions and immediately read the results of the assessment on the 4 skills that constitute the Drive object of the test just performed.  All reports remain available and accessible on Exagogica website until the end of the twelfth month from the activation date of the test.



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