- 1. View skills in a specific program, displaying their level diffusion
- 2. Create and manage development actions for a specific resource on a specific skill
- 3. View the resources and their levels for a specific skill
- 4. Perform skill gap analysis
Skill Diffusion
1. View skills in a specific program, displaying their level diffusion
View skills in a specific program, displaying their level diffusion
Click on the widget Skill Diffusion to access the main page.
The main page shows skills per selected development program. For each skill the information about the level, targets, actions and skill diffusion can be seen.
To sort the data for actual level 2, click on the column named "Actual level 2".
To view the skill for a different program name, select a desired program in the filter called "Program name" and click on the button "Apply".
The data from the table can be exported in a spreadsheet file by clicking on the export icon.
Skill Diffusion
2. Create and manage development actions for a specific resource on a specific skill
Create and manage development actions for a specific resource on a specific skill
Click on the widget Skill difusion to access the main page.
In the main page select a desired skill to view the resources and their levels in that skill.
To create development action for a specific resource, click on the plus icon.
In the pop-up "Create development action" define: target level, expected hours and ending date. To complete the action click on the button "Create".
To manage development action for a specific resource, click on the pen icon.
When the pop-up opens, scroll down the content and manage the development action by selecting "Yes" or "No". After the action is managed, click on the button "Save".
Skill Diffusion
3. View the resources and their levels for a specific skill
View the resources and their levels for a specific skill
Click on the widget Skill diffusion to access the main page.
In the main page select a desired skill to view the resources and their levels in that skill.
In the tab Resources the list of all resources for the specific skill are shown.
Scroll down the page to see the complete table with the resources and their starting an current skill levels.
The data in the table can be filtered. For example, select a desired branch and site. After the filters are selected click on the button "Apply".
The data from the table can be exported in a spreadsheet file by clicking on the export icon.
Skill Diffusion
4. Perform skill gap analysis
Perform skill gap analysis
Click on the widget Skill diffusion to access the main page.
The main page shows skills per selected development program. For each skill the information about the level, targets, actions and skill diffusion can be seen.
To perform skill gap analysis, click on the chart icon to open a drop-down menu, then select the second chart named "Skill gap analysis".
This chart allows to perform skill gap analysis.
Scroll down the page to view the entire chart. The data presented shows the number of gaps (delta -3, delta -2, delta -1), compliance and excelence of the resources per each skill.
To analyze the number of resources which have the gap equal to -1 per skill, deselect all the series in the legend except the "Delta -1".