- 1. Compare unit aggregated data
- 2. Compare sub-unit aggregated data
- 3. Compare operator`s data
- 4. Display and print the operational ability matrix
- 5. Evaluate an operational ability by visual management
- 6. Evaluate ability level of an operator in the shorter way
- 7. Perform an accurate evaluation with the operational checklist
- 8. Highlight gaps and open a development action
- 9. Check up and manage an existing developement action
Operational Ability Analysis
1. Compare unit aggregated data
Check the widget, access to the site level summary page, look at the Unit rows. Aggregated data on operational abilities show the different level of the certifications. This data can be analyzed also by the chart. As a further step, it will be possible to go into a specific unit and compare the sub-units.
The dashboard widget shows you the Key Activity Indicators related to “Operational Ability Analysis”: the total number of “Resources”, “Operations” and “Evaluations”. The last two indicators highlight the gaps: the total number and the number of gaps where the training still need to be planned.
Access the summary page to view the aggregated data on operational ability. Each row reports all the related details of a specific Unit and you can easily compare the data provided by the system. Observe the indicators of the level certified where the different colours help you to quickly identify the successful certification (green colour), the gaps with a small delta (yellow colour) and the gaps with a higher delta of at least two levels under the expected one (red colour).
Use sortable column to change the order of data visualization on the basis of your analysis needs.
Then, click on the graph icon to analyze data through the chart.
You can now analyze the distribution of operators in detail. In each Unit you can analyze the number of operators able to perform 0 operations (Coverage 0), one operation (Coverage 1) and so on.
Since the graph is interactive, you can define the data to be viewed in your graph and analyze the related results.
As a further step, you will be able to go into the specific unit you need to analyze and compare the related sub-units.
Operational Ability Analysis
2. Compare sub-unit aggregated data
Check the widget, access to the site level summary page, look at the Sub-Unit rows. Aggregated data on operational abilities show the different level of the certifications. . This data can be analyzed also by the charts. As a further step it will be possible to go into a specific Sub-unit and compare different operators compliance to the operations.
The dashboard widget shows you the Key Activity Indicators related to “Operational Ability Analysis”: the total number of “Resources”, “Operations” and “Evaluations”. The last two indicators highlight the gaps: the total number and the number of gaps where the training still need to be planned.
Access the summary page to view the aggregated data on operational abilities of each unit. Select the unit you need to analyze and enter the detail.
The table shows you aggregated data on requirement certification of each sub-unit and you can easily compare the data provided by the system. Observe the indicators of the level certified where the different colours help you to quickly identify the successful certification (green colour), the gaps with a small delta (yellow colour) and the gaps with a higher delta of at least two level under the expected one (red colour).
Use sortable column to change the order of data visualization on the basis of your analysis needs.
Then, click on the graph icon to analyze data through the chart.
You can now analyze the distribution of operators in detail. In each sub-unit you can analyze the number of operators able to perform 0 operations (Coverage 0), one operation (Coverage 1) and so on.
Since the graph is interactive, you can define the data to be viewed in your graph and analyze the related results.
As a further step, you will be able to go into the specific specific sub-unit to monitor the compliance of the operators to the operations.
Operational Ability Analysis
3. Compare operator`s data
Check the widget to have a preview of the general data. Enter the list of the operators and filter the population you are interested in (by shift or production domain). You can use filters to define the object of you analysis. Charts allows you to represent the same data in a visual mode.
The dashboard widget shows you the Key Activity Indicators related to “Operational Ability Analysis”: the total number of “Resources”, “Operations” and “Evaluations”. The last two indicators highlight the gaps: the total number and the number of gaps where the training still need to be planned.
Access the summary page to view the aggregated data on operational abilities of each unit. Select the unit you need to analyze and enter the detail.
Choose the specific sub-unit.
Now, you can get a general overview of the complete list of resources and the related number of operations classified by level of certification.
Set the parameters of your search using the filters “Shift” and “Domain” and analyse the resulting details comparing operators’ compliance to the requirements.
Then Click on the graph icon to get a visual representation of the data.
You can now analyze the distribution of operators in detail. In each “domain” (production line) you can analyze the number of operators able to perform 0 operations (Coverage 0), one operation (Coverage 1) and so on.
Since the graph is interactive, you can define the data to be viewed in your graph and analyze the related results.
Operational Ability Analysis
4. Display and print the operational ability matrix
General data in a sub-unit can be managed also in a visual mode, using the operational ability matrix. From the list of the operators, access the specific functionality. Reduce the displayed data set using filters. Enlarge and reduce the dimensions of the matrix to fit with your data set. Press on the print button and get a printed document of the matrix.
Access the dashboard widget to go to the summary page.
The summary page shows you the aggregated data on operational abilities certifications of each unit. Select the unit you need to analyze and enter the detail.
Select the sub-unit.
The system displays the complete list of people and the related certifications on operational abilities. Click on the matrix functionality to generate the operational ability analysis.
You can now analyze in detail all the certification of the resources.
Select the data set to be viewed using the filters and then click on the diagonal arrows on the right to enlarge the visualization.
Now all the details are more visible and you can use the scrollbars to scroll the content of the operational ability matrix.
Then, click on the print icon to get the printed document of the cover matrix.
Operational Ability Analysis
5. Evaluate an operational ability by visual management
Generate the operational ability matrix. In the matrix every cell is operable. Clicking on an full cell you can update the level achieved by an operator on a specific operation. Clicking on an empty cell you can add a new certification.
Access the dashboard widget to go to the summary page.
The summary page shows you the aggregated data on operational abilities certifications of each unit. Select the unit you need to analyze and enter the detail.
Choose a sub-unit.
The system displays the complete list of people and the related certifications on operational abilities. Click on the matrix functionality to generate the operational ability analysis.
You can now analyze in detail all the certification of the resources and refine data visualization through the use of filters. Then, check the legend before proceeding with the evaluation.
Identify the operator and the operation to be updated and click on it.
Define the new level to be assigned and confirm this operation.
You can now observe the new level certified duly update. Then, to add a new evaluation you only need to click on and empty cell and follow the same process.
Operational Ability Analysis
6. Evaluate ability level of an operator in the shorter way
Enter the details of the sub-unit to get an overview on all the resources. Use filters to quickly identify the resource you need to evaluate. Select the specific resource, observe the operational abilities classified by level certified and enter the detail. Then, examine all the operations assigned to this operator, identify the operation you need to certify and proceed with the evaluation.
Access the dashboard widget to go to the summary page.
The summary page shows you the aggregated data on operational abilities certifications of each unit. Select the unit you need to analyze and enter the detail.
Choose a sub-unit.
The system displays the complete list of people and the related certifications on operational abilities at first.
Define the parameters of your search through the use of filters in order to quickly identify the resource you need to certify, observe the operational abilities classified by level certified and enter the detail.
You can now examine all the operations related to the resources that have been already certified or to be certified.
Identify the operation to be certified and click on the value achieved by the resource. The system will automatically update the operation with the new value.
Operational Ability Analysis
7. Perform an accurate evaluation with the operational checklist
Enter the details of the sub-unit to get an overview on all the resources. Use filters to quickly identify the resource you need to evaluate. Select the specific resource, observe the operational abilities classified by level certified and enter the detail. Then, examine all the operations assigned to this operator and identify the operation you need to certify. Read carefully the available check list and proceed with the evaluation.
Access the dashboard widget to go to the summary page.
The summary page shows you the aggregated data on operational abilities certifications of each unit. Select the unit of your preference.
Choose a sub-unit.
The system displays the complete list of people and the related certifications on operational abilities at first.
Define the parameters of your search through the use of filters in order to quickly identify the resource you need to certify, observe the operational abilities classified by level certified and enter the detail.
You can now examine all the operations related to the resources and identify the operation you need to certify. Before proceeding with the evaluation click on the icon representing the “checklist”.
Then, verify carefully all the information reported in the checklist that will help you to perform and accurate evaluation. Click on “modify” when you have defined the level to be assigned.
Proceed with the evaluation.
If you go back to the previous page you can observe the “Owned level” duly updated.
Operational Ability Analysis
8. Highlight gaps and open a development action
Enter the detail of the sub-unit to get an overview on all the resources. Use filters to reduce the list and sortable column to highlight gaps. Then, select the specific resource, observe his gaps and open the development actions.
Access the dashboard widget to go to the summary page.
The summary page shows you the aggregated data on operational abilities certifications of each unit. Select the unit of your preference.
Choose a sub-unit.
The system displays the complete list of people and the related certifications on operational abilities at first.
Use filters to reduce the list and on the basis of your specific requirements and examine all the operations classified by levels certified. Use sortable columns to identify the resource with the most evident gaps and enter the detail.
All the operations of the resouce are listed and the detail sheet reports for each item the required level and the owned level (if certified).
Use the column “delta” to order the details by delta level.
Then, choose the specific operation to which assign the development action to cover the gap.
Define all the necessary information, the expected level to be achieved at the end of the development action and click on “Create”.
If you go back to the previous page, you can observe the training action you have just added.
Operational Ability Analysis
9. Check up and manage an existing developement action
Enter the detail of the sub-unit to get an overview of all the resources. Use filters to reduce the list and select the specific resource. Observe his development actions and choose those you need to verify and manage.
Access the dashboard widget to go to the summary page.
The summary page shows you the aggregated data on operational abilities certifications of each unit. Select the unit of your preference.
Choose a sub-unit.
Use filters to reduce the list and on the basis of your specific requirements and identify the resource you need to monitor. Then, enter the detail.
You can now monitor and manage the development actions. Select the training action that you need to analyze.
Define all the necessary information, specify if the objective was achieved or not and update the level. Then, click on “save”.
If you go back to the previous page, you can observe the “owned level” duly updated.