Exagogica Panoptikon
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Resource skill overview
  • 1. Compare branches data
  • 2. Display all the resources for a specified organization structure
  • 3. Display detailed competence data on a resource
  • 4. Check self-evaluation, approve or rejected them

Resource skill overview

1. Compare branches data

Click on the Resource Skill Overview widget to proceed to the general summary page.


The general summary page shows the list of branches.


Branches can be filtered. Click on the Sector filter field to open a drop-down menu and select the desired option. Click on the button "Apply".


A list of branches with the corresponding data will appear in the table.


Branches can be ordered. Click on the header column named "Branch name" to order by branch name.


Resource skill overview

2. Display all the resources for a specified organization structure

Click on the Resource Skill Overview widget (if you are a higher level manager, go through the summary pages or click "view all") to reach the main page.


The main page shows the list of resources.


To display resources which are located in certain branch, select the desired branch from the "Branch" filter field. Click on the button "Apply".


A list of resources which are located in certain branch will appear in the table.


Resources can be ordered. Click on the header column named "Surname" to order resources by surname.


The main table will order resources by their surname.


Resource skill overview

3. Display detailed competence data on a resource

Click on the Resource Skill Overview widget (if you are a higher level manager, go through the summary pages or click "view all") to reach the main page.


In the main page select the desired resource and click on the details (lens icon) to proceed to the detail page.


The current skills tab displays all the skills certified for the resource in the tab table including data like: skill name, area, sector, self-evaluation, etc.


The self-evaluations tab displays all evaluations of skills certified for the resource in the tab table and allows to approve or reject a skill for a certain resource.


The evaluation history tab allows to compare all evaluations certified for the resource in the tab table, showing how the competence level changed along the time.


Resource skill overview

4. Check self-evaluation, approve or rejected them

Click on the Resource Skill Overview widget (if you are a higher level manager, go through the summary pages or click "view all") to reach the main page.


In the main page, click on the desired resource detail (lens icon) to proceed to the detail page.


In the tab "Self-evaluations" select the skill with the status "Pending" and click on the button "OK" to approve the self-evaliation.


The notification pop-up appear. Click on the button "Yes" to approve the self-evaliation.


The skill has now changed the status from pending to accepted.


To reject the self-evaliation click on the button "KO".


The notification pop-up appear. Click on the button "Yes" to reject the self-evaliation.


The self-evaliation has now changed the status from pending to rejected.