Exagogica Panoptikon
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Production structure overview
  • 1. Show the list of the sites
  • 2. Show the list of the units and operate with them
  • 3. Show the list of the sub-units and operate with them
  • 4. Show the list of the domains and operate with them
  • 5. Show the list of the operations and operate with them

Production structure overview

1. Show the list of the sites

Show the list of the sites

Click on the Production structure overview widget to access the main page tree.


In the main page a list of branches will be displayed if the General Configuration manager profile is in use.


Click two times on a desired branch to expand it and view the list of sites.


To compare sites from different branches, expand desired branches with the double-click on the entity and view the production structure tree.


Production structure overview

2. Show the list of the units and operate with them

Show the list of the units and operate with them

Click on the Production structure overview widget to access the main page tree.


Click two times on a desired branch and site to expand the production structure tree and view a list of units.


To modify the unit name, click on the "paper" icon next to the unit name.


Modify the name of the unit and press the "Enter" key.


To add a new unit, click on the icon "+" next to the site name.


Production structure overview

3. Show the list of the sub-units and operate with them

Show the list of the sub-units and operate with them

Click on the Production structure overview widget to access the main page tree.


Click two times on a desired branch, site and unit to expand the production structure tree and view a list of sub-units.


To modify the sub-unit name, click on the "paper" icon next to the sub-unit name. Modify the name of the sub-unit and press the "Enter" key.


To add a new sub-unit, click on the icon "+" next to the unit name.


Production structure overview

4. Show the list of the domains and operate with them

Show the list of the domains and operate with them

Click on the Production structure overview widget to access the main page tree.


Click two times on a desired branch, site, unit and sub-unit to expand the production structure tree and view a list of domains.


To modify the domain name, click on the "paper" icon next to the domain name.


Modify the name of the domain and press the "Enter" key.


To add a new domain, click on the icon "+" next to the sub-unit name.


Production structure overview

5. Show the list of the operations and operate with them

Show the list of the operations and operate with them

Click on the Production structure overview widget to access the main page tree.


Click two times on a desired branch, site, unit, sub-unit and domain to expand the production structure tree and view a list of operations.


Click two times on a desired operation to see more information.


In the tab Detail a certain operation can be modified or deleted.


In the tab Checklist cababilities can be added and managed.