- 1. Monitor branch/departments managed
- 2. Add a new branch/department
- 3. Complete branch/department data
- 4. Check activities history of the company
- 5. Check activities history of branch/department
Company department management
1. Monitor branch/departments managed
Check KAI and chart data in the widget. Access the main page, display thelist of companies branch/department managed. FIlter them by status. Research them by company name. Use advanced filter options.
The "Company Departments management " widget on the left shows the following KAI indicators: _managed companies; _average employees; _ they have entered at least one offer; _ they have an offer in progress at the moment; _they have already found staff with us in the past. On the right is the graph of the KAI indicators which shows on the X-axis the classifications of companies by number of employees and on the Y axis the number of registered companies.
Click any point on the widget to access the main page of the "Company department management" feature.
The main page containing the master data of the managed companies will open.
You can do a research using the filter "company name" by entering the company`s name and clicking on "Apply" button.
On the right of the button "apply " there are "advanced filters ". Clicking on the appropriate arrow will open down a series of filters: _ number of employees; _region; _province; _municipality _ last offer date; _ active offers; _they hired thanks to us.
You will always have to click on the "Apply" button to start the filtered search.
Company department management
2. Add a new branch/department
Search for an existing company already uploaded into the system, or create a brand new company. Search for an existing company`s branch/department, or insert data to create a new branch/department. Choose a person as a reference for the company`s branch/department, or add new references uploading their information and requesting data processing and data sharing authorizations.
Access the main page of the widget by clicking anywhere onto the area of the "company department management" widget.
Click on the "New branch/department" button.
From the pop-up that is opening, it is possible to search for an existing company by VAT number or by company name.
By inserting the VAT number and clicking on the "apply" button, in the underneath table a list of companies will be displayed.
By clicking on the "Select" button, details of branches/departments belonging to that company are listed.
The same result can be reached by searching for company`s name.
Clicking on the "new branch" button, it is possible to insert a new Branch/department for the selected company.
After filling out fields, click on the "next" button on the bottom right side of the page (otherwise it is possible to go back to the previous page by clicking on the corresponding button on the bottom left-hand side).
After filling out fields regarding the reference person of the new branch/department, click on the "next" button on the bottom right side of the page (otherwise it is possible to go back to the previous page by clicking on the corresponding button on the bottom left-hand side).
If the email or the telephone number already exist, the system request confirmation of existing reference data.
If the reference person has not yet been inserted into the system, he/she has to give data processing and data sharing authorization as first thing; this can be done either via email, and/or via SMS.
By clicking the the "Create" button, it is possible to create a branch new company.
To create a new company, all mandatory fields in this pop-up have to be filled out (all those marked with an asterisk).
Before proceeding with the company enrolment, the system requests confirmation of inserted data.
Afterwords, the system requests data regarding the company`s branch/department reference.
When all data have been inserted, the system requests confirmation of information related to the company branch/department and reference. To complete enrolment, YES option has to be selected.
Finally, the company`s branch/department reference appointed has to confirm authorization for data processing and data sharing; he/she can do that either by email and/or by SMS.
After sending the request for privacy authorization, the process of the new company`s branch/department creating is successfully completed.
Company department management
3. Complete branch/department data
Access company`s "branch/department and references" TAB to resend a new data privacy authorization. Check that the authorizaton process has been properly completed. Add information regarding company`s branch/department, like company logo, branch department address, tax advisor and labour consultant.
Select the highlighted widget to enter the "Company department management" feature.
Enter the details of the company`s branch/department you have chosen by selecting the highlighted icon (lens icon).
Within the TAB "Branches/Departments and references" you can view the current status of the data permission. In this case, none of the two (data processing and data sharing) permissions have been granted.
Select the highlighted button to request again both data permissions.
A pop-up will open, in which you can choose whether to send the request for authorization via email and/or via SMS.
Once the consent of the Branch/department reference has been given, the permissions will appear as highlighted in the box. In this specific case, the reference authorized both data processing and data sharing.
Within the "Registry Card" TAB, you can view and/or modify data of the company`s branch/department; you can also upload a company photo or logo, using the button "upload photo" in the box. A pop-up will open from which you can select the image between files inside the computer.
In the corresponding fields, it is possible to enter information regarding tax advisor and labor consultant.
After each new insert or fix is complete, you must save the changes that have been implemented.
Company department management
4. Check activities history of the company
Analyse the timeline of job offers and their applications to determine the overall activity of the managed company`s branch/department.
Go into the details of the company`s branch/department by clicking on the highlighted lens icon.
In the highlighted section you can view the published job offer history of the selected company`s branch/department.
Company department management
5. Check activities history of branch/department
Analyse the timeline of pairings to job offers and which of them became applications to determine the overall activities of managed branches/departments.
Selecting the highlighted lens icon in the detail column allows you to enter the details of a company`s branch/department.
In the TAB"Offer History" you can see all the job offers published by the selected company`s branch/department; also you can check their status (open, closed).