- 1. View the structure within your scope
- 2. Create a new site
- 3. Create a department
- 4. Appoint a team leader
- 5. Allocate a resource within a team
- 6. View personal data of a specific resource
Organization overview
1. View the structure within your scope
Use the tree to view all of the structure within your permissions
Click on the widget Organization overview to access the main page tree.
The information displayed on the main page tree will depend on the used profile (General, Branch or Site manager).
To expand the organization tree click two times on an entity.
The structure of the organization overview tree can be expanded all the way to the level of the resources` nodes.
Organization overview
2. Create a new site
Use the tree to create a new site
Click on the widget Organization overview to access the main page tree.
Select a desired branch and click on the "+" button next to the branch to add a new site.
A new site will be created within the chosen branch and the list of the existing sites will appear.
To modify the name of the site click on the "paper" button next to the site name.
Select the name of the site and insert a desiderd name and press the "Enter" key.
Organization overview
3. Create a department
Use the tree to create a new department
Click on the widget Organization overview to access the main page tree.
Click two times on the desired branch to expand it.
Click on the "+" button next to the desired site name to create a new department.
A new department will appear under the selected site.
To rename the department, click on the "paper" button next to the department`s name.
Select the name of a newly created department and insert a desired name.
Organization overview
4. Appoint a team leader
Use the tree to appoint a team leader
Click on the widget Organization overview to access the main page tree.
Click two times on the desired branch and site to expand the organization tree.
Click on the "+" button next to the desired department name to appoint a team leader.
Define the filters in the pop-up and click on the button "Apply" to find the preferred team leader. Now click on the button "Activate" to appoint a team leader.
The appointed team leader will appear in the predefined department.
Organization overview
5. Allocate a resource within a team
Use the tree to allocate a resource to a team
Click on the widget Organization overview to access the main page tree.
Click two times on the desired branch, site and department to expand the organization tree.
Click on the "+" button next to the desired team leader name to allocate a resource.
Define the filters in the pop-up and click on the button "Apply" to find the preferred resource. Now click on the button "Allocate" to allocate the resource.
The allocated resource will appear in the predefined team.
Organization overview
6. View personal data of a specific resource
Use the tree to view the personal data of a specific resource
Click on the widget Organization overview to access the main page tree.
Click two times on the desired branch, site, department and team to expand the organization tree.
Select a resource and a personal data tab will be displayed.
Scroll down the page to see the full data. The first part of the tab contains an image and some personal data of the resource. The second part contains some data related to the organization, such as: start date, username, etc.