- 1. Overview project ideas status
- 2. Manage a project idea from the list
- 3. Insert a new project idea
- 4. Assign or modify a project leader
- 5. Discard or promote a project idea
- 6. Analyse projects ideas with visual charts
Project Planning
1. Overview project ideas status
Check out widget`s chart and indicators. Access the main page, list current project ideas. Order them, filter them. Understand status indicators: pending, approved, discarded.
Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.
The main page shows the list of projects ideas.
Projects can be filtered by the following filters: unit, UTE, title, leader and the status.
To filter by their status, define the filter "Status" and click on the button "Apply".
A list of projects with the corresponding data will appear in the table.
Project Planning
2. Manage a project idea from the list
Select a project idea and review or complete details: name, description, expected start date and expected end date. Define the part of the process affecte by the project. Express general cost amount, general benefit amount and general investment amount as currently exstimated. Take notes and upload files.
Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.
Select the desired project idea and click on the lens icon to proceed to the detail page.
In the "Planning" tab information for this project idea can be modified (name, project leader, description, expected start date and expected end date).
Once the desired data is inserted, click on the "Save changes" button to save new changes.
Project Planning
3. Insert a new project idea
Create a new project idea, defining a title and a description as mandatory data. Site project manager can select a project leader. Generate a notification for the Site manager (when the idea is created by a leader).
Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.
In the main page click on the button "New project idea".
In the pop-up "New project idea" define all the mandatory fields and click on the button Save.
The created project idea will appear on the main page.
Project Planning
4. Assign or modify a project leader
Select a project leader by the autohorized project leaders list. Generate a notification for the project leader about the new project assignation.
Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.
Select the desired project idea and click on the lens icon to proceed to the detail page.
In the "Planning" tab, change the project leader with the desired one in the "Project leader" field.
Click on the button "Save Changes" to apply changes.
The notification pop-up will appear with the question "Are you sure you want to save changes". Click on the button "Yes" to save changes.
The new Project leader will be assigned to the desired project.
Project Planning
5. Discard or promote a project idea
Examine a project idea detail page to check out data. Discard the project if not approved. Promote a project if approved (with all mandatory details: exsitmated dates, leader and economics). In both cases a notification will be sended to the Project leader. Approved ideas will be scheduled to automatically become projects in the expected starting date.
Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.
Select the desired project idea and click on the lens icon to proceed to the detail page.
In the main page, click on the button "Discard".
The notification pop-up will appear. Click on the button "Yes" to discard the desired project idea.
The project idea will disappear from the main page table.
Project Planning
6. Analyse projects ideas with visual charts
Access to main page charts to show and filter data about Project planification overview, Planned investments, Planned savings, Planned benefit, cost and saving.
Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.
On the main page, hover the cursor on the chart icon to expand all charts. Click on the desired chart proceed to the chart page.
On the chart page, the chart shows the number of project ideas and benefit per month.
Scroll down to see the chart with all the information.
Bellow each chart there is a table which gives detailed information about the chart.