Exagogica Panoptikon


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Job matching
  • 1. Access the Job matching tool and perform a search
  • 2. Compare results with visual analysis
  • 3. Modify forecasted compliance operating on lacking evaluations
  • 4. Analyse gaps and manage a preventive reaction program
  • 5. Use visual analysis tool for preventive compliance

Job matching

1. Access the Job matching tool and perform a search

Check general data in the dashboard widget, access to the page and perform a search on forecasted compliance of one of you resources for the available job positions. Refine the search using filters.


Job matching

2. Compare results with visual analysis

Check graphic charts to provide a visual analysis of the skill levels of the resource and for the result of the search performed, comparing forecasted compliance and reliability of result for each job.


Job matching

3. Modify forecasted compliance operating on lacking evaluations

Access to the detail page to chek all the skills level recorded and used for a compliance forecast analysis; modify or add evaluations.


Job matching

4. Analyse gaps and manage a preventive reaction program

Access the gap analysis detail tab to discover the list of the gaps that will remain for a resource to cover a job position. Add development actions. Manage exiting actions to close them once performed.


Job matching

5. Use visual analysis tool for preventive compliance

Use visual analysis charts tkio highlight gaps and over of a resource on a job position, to show the preventive gap reaction program and to analyse variation of the skillset during a certain period of time.