- 1. Modify the site of a resource
- 2. Modify the department of a resource
- 3. Modify the evaluator
- 4. Deactivate an active resource
- 5. Look for a specific resource
- 6. Customize the assessment requirements of a resource
- 7. Create a new evaluator and assign him a team
- 8. View the personal details of a specific resource
- 9. Upload the personal image of a specific resource
- 10. Assign a job role to a specific resource
- 11. Modify personal data
- 12. Change the job position of a resource
- 13. Control balanced requirements of a job position
- 14. Compare resources personal data
Staff management
1. Modify the site of a resource
Access the main page and check the complete list of resources with the related details. Then, select a specific person through the filters and move him to another site using the specific function.

Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.

Select the specific resource whose site needs to be modified.

To change the Plant for the resource, click on the modify button (pen icon) in the Plant main table column.

Select the desired plant in the filter field named "Plant" and click on the button "Assign".
Staff management
2. Modify the department of a resource
Access the main page and check the complete list of resources with the related details. Then, select a specific person through the filters and move him to another department.

Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.

The main page shows all the resources at first (filters are not set by default).

To filter the resource by the name, surname or CID enter the data of the resource in these filter fields and click on the button "Apply".

Click on the pen icon to change the "Division" of the resource.

In the pop-up, select a new “Division” in the filter field and click on the “Assign” button to update division and evaluator.
Staff management
3. Modify the evaluator
Access the main page and check the complete list of resources with the related details. Then, identify a specific person in the list whose details you need to modify and assign him a new evaluator.

Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.

Identify a person which assessor needs to modify and click on the pencil icon in the "Assessor" column to proceed.

Select the new evaluator in the list and click on the “Assign” button, once finished.

Click on the button "Yes" to assign new assessor.
Staff management
4. Deactivate an active resource
Access the main page and check the complete list of resources with the related details. Then, identify the person to be deactivated and use the specific function to perform this operation.

Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.

The system shows all the resources at first (filters are not set by default).

Click on the button "Detail" (lens icon) to proceed to the detail page (resource modify page).

Resource modify page shows personal details of the resource. Click on the button "deactivate" to deactivate the user.
Staff management
5. Look for a specific resource
Access the main page and check the complete list of resources with the related details. Then, select a specific person through filters and view the results.

Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.

The system shows you all the resources at first (filters are not set by default).

To look for a specific person, insert personal details in the specific fields and click on “Apply”.

Now, the resource will appear in the main table.
Staff management
6. Customize the assessment requirements of a resource
Access the main page and check the complete list of resources with the related details. Select a specific person through filters and access the manage skills function. The complete set of skills assigned to the resource is displayed. Analyze it and identify the skills to be removed and/or those whose the expected level you need to modify.

Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.

Select the specific resource whose assessment requirements should be analyzed.
The main table shows only the resource which is filtered.

Click on the function “Manage skills”.

The detailed list of skills assigned to the resource is displayed. Each skill can be identified by the sector, the area and the expected level.
Scroll down and find the column named "Delete". Click on the button "Delete"(trash icon) to remove the skill.

To change the expected level of the skill, click on the select filter field and select the desired value.
Staff management
7. Create a new evaluator and assign him a team
Access the main page, check the complete list of resources with the related details and the evaluator list. Then, create a new evaluator and specify his allocation. Finally, select the evaluator you have just created through filters: all the resources assigned to him will be displayed.

Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.

To create a new evaluator click on the button "Create evaluator".

Enter the data of the desired resource in the filter fields and click on the button "Search".

The resources list is now visible. Identify the user to be enabled as evaluator and click on the "Active" button to proceed.

Select the desired “Plant” and the “Division” in the Plant and Division filter field. Then, click on the button "Yes" to complete the operation.
Staff management
8. View the personal details of a specific resource
Access the main page and check the complete list of resources with the related details. Then, select a specific person through filters and enter the modify function to view personal details.

Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.

To filter a resource by name, surname or CID enter the data of the resource in filter fields and click on the button "Apply".

The main table shows only the resource which is filtered. Click on the button "Detail" (lens icon) to proceed to the detail page.
Detail page shows the personal data of the resource.
Staff management
9. Upload the personal image of a specific resource
Access the main page and check the complete list of resources with the related details. Then, select a specific person through filters, enter the modify function and upload his personal image.

Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.

To filter a resource enter the data of the resource (Name, Surname or CID) in the filter fields and click on the button "Apply".

The main table shows only the resource which is filtered. Click on the detail (lens icon) to proceed to the detail page.
To upload the photo, click on the button "Change photo".

Select the desired photo and click on the button "Open".
Staff management
10. Assign a job role to a specific resource
Access the main page and check the complete list of resources with the related details. Select a person through filters and use the specific function to assign a job role to him/her. The complete list of job is displayed. Reduce the list defining the division and using filters. Then, proceed to select the job to be assigned.

Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.

Define the job role of a specific resource, use filters to select at first.

Now, the table shows only the resource of interest.Click on the “Job position” function (pencil icon).

Search for “Keyword” in order to reduce the job list still further.

Finally, select the specific job to be assigned.

In the main table it can be seen that the job role is duly assigned.
Staff management
11. Modify personal data
Update Personal data details: date of birth, hiring date, gender, address, contact info. Upload documents related to the resource.

Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.

Select the desired "Job position" in the main table and click on the "Detail" (lens icon) to proceed to the detail page.

The data of the resource can be modified, except the CID which is read-only.

Modify the desired data, scroll down and click on the button "Save".

The new data for the resource has been updated.
Staff management
12. Change the job position of a resource
Create a new service status for the resource, chosing a different job position. Register also previous status inserting a record for a job position which is already passed by.

Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.

The main page shows the list of evaluators.

Select the desired resource and click on the pen icon in the main table column named "Job positions".

The pop-up will appear. Select the desired job position for the resource and click on the button named "Assign".

The resource with the new job position appears in the main page table.
Staff management
13. Control balanced requirements of a job position
Access to the detail page on job requirements to control levels requested on the skill associated to the job position and the quota that they represent in the overall compliance balance. Verify the same information by a visual representation in the related chart.

Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.

Click on the button "Manage Job Position" to proceed to the Job position main page.

Select the desired "Job position" in the main table and click on the "Detail" (lens icon) to proceed to the detail page.

Select the tab named "Skills".

See the expected levels of skills in tables named: Basic, Professional, Soft skills and the WCM tools and methods.

Scroll down the page and verify the same information by a visual representation in the related chart.
Staff management
14. Compare resources personal data
Visualize basical personal data on the main list and compare them, filtering and ordering data. Use the charts to verify the distribution of resources regarding gender, age and education.

Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.

The main page shows the list of evaluators.

Resources can be filtered by the following filters: Division, Assessor, Surname, Name, CID and the Assessor.

To filter a set of resources by their assessor, select the desired assessor in the filter "Assessor" and click on the button "Apply".

A list of resources with the corresponding data will appear in the table.

Resources can be ordered in the main table. Click on the header column named "Surname" to order resources by their surnames.