- 1. Check current selection procedures
- 2. Create a new contract for a selection procedure
- 3. Analyze existing selection agreement
- 4. Analyse information of people combined to the selection; check their derived suitability index
- 5. Compare soft skills and send request for an assessment test
- 6. Compare other types of skills and eventually evaluate them
- 7. Check requirements and advantages in hiring
- 8. Promote candidates to the selection procedure; send a PDF presentation to the company
- 9. Close the selection procedure
Selection management
1. Check current selection procedures
Check data in the widget chart and KAI. Access the main page, check the list of the current selection procedures. Filter them by status.
Click on the Selection Management widget to proceed to the main page.
The main page shows the list of selection procedures.
Selections can be filtered. To filter selections by status, click on the "Status" filter field to open a drop-down menu and select the desired status.
Click on the button "Apply".
A list of selection procedures with the corresponding data will appear in the table.
Selection management
2. Create a new contract for a selection procedure
Insert mandatory data for the new contract; select the offer, define contract validity, select contract type, add notes.
Click on the Selection Management widget to proceed to the main page.
On the main page, click on the button "New contract" to create a new contract.
In the pop-up, select the desired company and click on the button "Selects" to proceed to the next step.
Select the desired date from the date picker field named "Valid from".
Click on the desired contract type from a drop-down menu and click on the button "Forward" to proceed to the next step.
Fill in "Notes" text area field with some notes (this field is not mandatory) and click on the button "Forward" to proceed to the next step.
This is a summary data of the new contract. Click on the button "Save" to create a new contract.
The notification pop-up appears. Click on the button "Yes" create a new contract.
The new contract will appear in the main table.
Selection management
3. Analyze existing selection agreement
Analyse the selection agreement; display and download the contract,; analyse the offer object of the selection agreement
Click on the Selection Management widget to proceed to the main page.
On the main page, click on the details (lens icon) on the desired company name to proceed to the detail page.
The "Contract detail section" contains details about the contract.
The contract document can be downloaded. Click on the button "Download contract" to download the contract.
The "Offer status" section contains details about the status of the contract.
Scroll down to the page to see the "Offer information" section. This section contains information about the offer.
Selection management
4. Analyse information of people combined to the selection; check their derived suitability index
Display and compare candidates fundamental data; show and print CV of candidates. Display derived skills for any resource combined to the selection procedure; compare them with those required by the offer; analyse different skill types and order candidates by suitability index.
Click on the Selection Management widget to proceed to the main page.
On the main page, click on the details (lens icon) on the desired company name to proceed to the detail page.
Select the tab "Balanced compliance".
The "Skills required" column shows the number of skills that a candidate must have. The "Skills calculated" column shows the number of skills that the candidate has.
The "Balanced" column shows the balance (in percent) between these two previous columns.
The "Balanced compliance index" shows the balanced compliance index for each candidate in percent between soft skills, language skills, professional skills and base skills.
Selection management
5. Compare soft skills and send request for an assessment test
Display derived soft skills for any resource combined to the selection procedure; send a request to complete the assessment test; compare derived skill levels with test results and skill levels required by the offer.
Click on the Selection Management widget to proceed to the main page.
On the main page, click on the details (lens icon) on the desired company name to proceed to the detail page.
Select the tab "Soft skills".
The "Skills required" column contains the number of skills which are required. The "Skills examined" column contains the number of skills which are derived by the candidate.
Click on the button "Send request" to contact the user requesting them to perform the DReCT test.
Selection management
6. Compare other types of skills and eventually evaluate them
Display derived language, profesional and basic skills for any resource combined to the selection procedure; eventually evaluate them; compare derived skill levels with assessed skill levels and those required by the offer.
Click on the Selection Management widget to proceed to the main page.
On the main page, click on the details (lens icon) on the desired company name to proceed to the detail page.
Select the tab "Languages".
Click on the button "Evaluate" to assess every skill for the language requested by the job offer.
In the pop-up, to evaluate the desired skill for the language requested by the job offer slide through the slider to the level of knowledge that the candidate has.
Now language skills will become examined and the number of skills in "Examined" table column will be changed.
Selection management
7. Check requirements and advantages in hiring
Display requirements for any resource combined to the selection procedure; eventually, verify them confirming or not confirming every option. Display advantages in hiring for any resource combined to the selection procedure; eventually, verify them.
Click on the Selection Management widget to proceed to the main page.
On the main page, click on the details (lens icon) on the desired selection to proceed to the detail page.
Select the tab "Requirements".
Click on the button "Evaluate" to open the pop-up.
In the pop-up, tick the desired checkbox to confirm or not confirm requirements.
Select the tab "Benefit in hiring".
Click on the button "Evaluate" to open the pop-up.
In the pop-up, tick the desired checkbox to verify desired benefit in hiring.
The benefit now will become examined and the number of benefit in "Examined" table column will be changed.
Selection management
8. Promote candidates to the selection procedure; send a PDF presentation to the company
Display and compare candidates; select candidates to present to the company; send a presentation in PDf with current evaluation card and personal card of the candidate.
Click on the Selection Management widget to proceed to the main page.
On the main page, click on the details (lens icon) on the desired company name to proceed to the detail page.
Select the "Application summary" tab.
Click on the button "Propose candidation". This button leads to the Selections Management Report Detail Page.
This page contains these two tabs: Current evaluation and the Personal card.
Click the "Send Presentation Candidate Report" button to send the PDF to the company.
Selection management
9. Close the selection procedure
Close a selection procedure in a succesful or unsuccessful way; eventually, close the linked offer.
Click on the Selection Management widget to proceed to the main page.
On the main page, click on the details (lens icon) on the desired selection to proceed to the detail page (selection must have the status "Open").
On the detail page, click on the button "Close selection" to close selection.
In the pop-up, add some notes to the text area and tick the desired answer in the checkbox (to close the offer tick the "Yes"). Click on the button "Save".
The notification pop-up appears. Click on the button "Yes" to close the selection.
The selection is successfully closed.