Exagogica Panoptikon


Discover Panoptikon

  • 1. Monitor subscription status
  • 2. Create a new subscriber
  • 3. Complete profile
  • 4. Print CV and receipt
  • 5. Add new skills
  • 6. Check activities history of the subscriber


1. Monitor subscription status

Check KAI and chart data. Access to the main page, display the list of subscribers. FIlter resources by name/surnma, gender and "status". Use advanced filters.

From the dashboard, check widget KAI data (on the left-hand side of the widget) and chart (on the right-hand side)


Access the main page of the widget by clicking anywhere onto the area of the Subscribers widget.


Display the list of subscribers and some detail information.


Filter resources by "status" of subscription, which can be active/inactive/without privacy authorization using the appropriate filter.

Then click on the button "apply".


Filter resources by "name/surname" of subscribers, editing a text on the appropriate filter.

Then click on the button "apply".


Use advanced filters to filter by the following: Region/Province/Municipality, Application in progress and They hired thanks to us.

Then cllick on the "apply" button.

Click again on "advanced filters" to return to main filters options.



2. Create a new subscriber

Insert mandatory data for the new subscriber. In case of missing privacy authorization, access new subscriber account and request again authorization to process data and to share data. Check that authorization has been given.

Cick on "subscribers" widget from the dashboard.


Select the highlighted icon "new registration" to proceed with the subscription of a new resource.


It will open a pop-up to fill out. Mandatory required data are: name, surname, telephone and/or email, date of birth.

You can only enter the phone number or just the email, or both (at least one of the two information must be present).

Then, click on the SAVE button to send the request for privacy authorization.


After entering the data clicking on the button "Save ". the system will send to the new subscriber an e-mail and/or a text message containing the link to the privacy document and to the request of consent to the processing and sharing of personal data.

As long as the new subscriber does not agree to the data processing, it will not be possible to enter further information about the new member.


Always on the main page of subscribers, the filter "status " will open a dropdown menu where you can select the option "without privacy authorization ".


By selecting the option "without privacy authorization" and clicking on the "Apply" button, the system will filter only names of the resources who have not yet given consent to the processing of their personal data.


Access the member`s detail page to request privacy authorization if it has not yet been granted. Select the tab "Registration ".

It will be immediately clear whether the subscriber has provided all the authorizations or whether it is necessary to request acceptance.

If the resource has consented for both conditions then the "Request" button will not be available.


When authorization requests are accepted, the system will insert green spits into the table under the specific item.

It will be sufficient to express the consent to the first condition to be visible on the system and benefit from the services of Mundamunids.



3. Complete profile

Add qualifications to your profile (starting from the latest one). Add work experiences (starting from the most important). Add language skills.

From the main page that lists all managed resources, click on the corresponding "lens icon" to access details of the member to whom you want to add new qualifications, new work experiences or add linguistic skills.

The selection can also be done through the filters (last name, gender and status) or through the Advanced filters options.


To edit, delete, or add a study title, from the member`s detail page, select the "qualifications " TAB.


Select "new qualification " at the top right-hand side to add a new study title.


It will open the pop-up "New qualification", inside you can enter a new title of study. By typing the text on the editable bar, the system will filter the results suggesting to the user several study titles to choose from.


Alternatively, click the button on the right of "apply ". You will be able to filter qualifications in more detail (level, scope and school). For each option there is a drop down menu that shows the possible options.


Select the qualification that you want to insert.

Further optional information (start year, end year, institute, vote, notes) could be entered, but these data are not mandatory.

The system will add the selected qualification to the tab below.


To edit, delete, or add a work experience, from the resources`s detail page, select the "work experiences " TAB.


Select the highlighted button to enter a new work experience.


It will open the pop-up "New work experience ", inside you can select a profession/job position. By typing the text on the editable bar, the system will filter the results suggesting to the user different professions/job positions to choose from.


Alternatively, click on the button to the right of "apply". You will be able to filter professions according to the level of responsibility.


Select the work experience that you want to insert.

Further information (company name, start date, possibly end date, notes) could be entered, but this information is not mandatory.

The system will add the selected profession/job position in the tab below.


To edit, delete, or add a language, from the member`s detail page, select the "Language " tab.


Select the highlighted button to add a language.


Add information about language skills.


When ratings are entered the specific language competence is added in the TAB table (it is possible to evaluate even only one competence); then select "Close " at the bottom right-hand side of the pop-up to close it.



4. Print CV and receipt

Add more information and personal data to the subscriber. Add a picture. Print the receipt of the APL enrolment. Print the CV in European format.

From the main page of the feature, click on the icon lens in the detail column of the corresponding subscriber to enter into detail.


Within the TAB "Registry card" it is possible to add personal data and other information, as well as to modify them both. Then click on the button "save changes" either on top or at the bottom of the page.


To upload (or change) the resource picture, use the button "upload photo" and then check the image on the above box. Click on the "save changes button either on top or at the bottom of the page.


By clicking on the "print receipt" button the system downloads the receipt for the APL enrollment.


A PDF file containing the receipt is displayed and it can be downloaded and printed.


By clicking on the highlighted icon "Print CV", the system generates and downloads a CV in European format.


A PDF file containing the CV is displayed and it can be downloaded and printed.



5. Add new skills

Add new skills from the skill catalog and assess their levels.

From the main page that lists all the managed resources, click on the "lens icon" to access details of the member you want to modify.

The selection can also be done through filters ("name/last name", "gender" and "status") or the Advanced filters option.


Select the skills TAB, which lists all the skills assigned to the resource based on the qualifications and work experience. You can also change the skill levels that exist and/or delete existing skills.


Click on "Add Skill " At the top right to enter a skill that is not included in the list.


Search for the skill you want to add by typing the name (or even a part) in the search bar and the level. Click on the "Apply" button to add it.


Select the skill from the list that appears after the search; Assign an evaluation by scrolling on the bar.


A pop-up will confirm the correct insertion of competence and its evaluation; By selecting OK from the pop-up, the resource`s skill list will appear again with the new added skill.



6. Check activities history of the subscriber

Analyse the timeline of pairings to job offers and the applications sent to company`s branch/department to determine the overall job searching activity of the subscriber

From the main page table, click on the icon lens in the detail column of the corresponding subscriber to enter into detail.


From the detail page of the selected subscriber, choose the TAB "Matching history".


The table in this tab displays all subscriber pairings to job offers.


To show subscriber applications to job offers, choose the TAB "Application history"


The table in this tab displays the list of applications to job offers