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Evaluation and Diffusion
  • 1. Overview evaluation and diffusion status
  • 2. Check out evaluation and diffusion details
  • 3. Evaluate controlled projects
  • 4. Generate a diffusion project
  • 5. Monitor overall saving generated by diffusions
  • 6. Analyse projects in evaluation and diffusion with visual charts

Evaluation and Diffusion

1. Overview evaluation and diffusion status

Check out widget`s chart and indicators. Access the main page, list current projects in evaluation and diffusion. Order them, filter them. Understand status indicators: unsuccessful, archived, best practice, to be evaluated.

Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.


Projects can be filtered by the following filters: unit, UTE, title, leader and the status.


To filter a set of projects by their status, define the filter "Status" and click on the button "Apply".


A list of with the corresponding data will appear in the table.


Evaluation and Diffusion

2. Check out evaluation and diffusion details

Check out the project card to compare data between different phases` extimations (read only). Check out the planning card, the running card and the controlling card to verify all the past phases details (read only).

Access the Evaluation and Diffusion widget which leads to the main page.


Select the desired project and click on the modify (lens icon).


In the "Project card" tab the summarized information for this project can be seen, including the Planning and the Running phase.


In the "Planning" tab information for this project can be seen (name, project leader, description, expected start date and expected end date).


Tab Running shows information for project related to the running status.


Tab "Controlling" contains: benefits, soft savings, costs and investments only for past and current moths.


Tab Evaluation and Diffusion shows information for project related to the evaluation and diffusion.


Evaluation and Diffusion

3. Evaluate controlled projects

Operate on evaluation and diffusion to archive or promote as best practice, inserting notes. A notification will be generated for the project leader.

Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.


Select the desired project with the status "To be evaluated" and click on the modify (lens icon).


On the detail page click on the button "Promote as best practice".


The notification pop-up will appear. Click on the button "Promote as best practice" to promote the potential project.


The project is promoted as best pactice.


Evaluation and Diffusion

4. Generate a diffusion project

Create a new diffusion with the title and the description as mandatory. Fill in the process, the planned cost and benefits and investiment and select the process operation as optional. The diffusion will be generated as project ideas linked to the best practice, reported in the planning phase project ideas lista and in the diffusions list below in the same tab.

Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.


Select the desired project and click on the modify (lens icon).


In the detail page click on the button "Create new diffusion".


Define the data in all mandatory fields and click on the button "Create". The project will appear in the Project Planning feature.


Go to the widget Project Planning to proceed to the main page.


In the Project Planning main page find the newly created project and click on the modify (lens icon).


In the tab Planning define the mandatory fields (start and ending date, planned costs, benefits and investments) and click on the button Save changes.


Evaluation and Diffusion

5. Monitor overall saving generated by diffusions

Monitor the status of the diffusions related to an original project, according to the phase in which they are placed at the moment. Check and understand diffusion data and economics.

Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.


Select the desired project and click on the modify (lens icon).


Select the tab "Evaluation and diffusion".


Scroll down to check the values.


Find the project mentioned in the "Diffusions" table (in the other features) and collect the values regarding their costs and benefits.


The table corresponds to the values of the mentioned projects (according to the phase in which they are placed at the moment).


Evaluation and Diffusion

6. Analyse projects in evaluation and diffusion with visual charts

Access to main page charts to show and filter data about Evaluation and diffusion projects overview, Evaluation activity overview.

Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.


On the main page, click on the chart icon to expand a drop-down menu with available charts. Click on the desired chart to proceed to the chart page.


The chart shows the number of projects per month.


Scroll down to see the chart with all information.


Bellow each chart there is a table which gives detailed information about the chart.