Training modules and courses catalog management. Trainers’ list management. Course editions and courses logbooks. Calculation of training B/C.
Training management module suports all the activities related with training in every kind of organizations, starting from the constitution of a course catalog and ending whit the analysis of costs and benefits of the training process.
Training Management module is based on the Training Catalog concept: all the activities that have the aim to move a resource from a certain level of capability on a skill towards an higher level can be described and stored in the catalog as course activities. They can be also grouped in course programs. The management of the Course Catalog is committed to General Training Manager and Branch Training Manager for the parts that pertain to them (the common shared part and the branch-related private part). The so constitued Catalog can be used by the Branch and the Site Training Managers to derive the course edition, that will be held in a certain site and in certain dates.
Training editions offer is presented to the informative system users in the My Training home page widget. Every user can search the system if a course on some skills is available, filtering results on the base of the entry requirements or on the final level that will be attained or on the site in which it will be held. The module interact with Staff Evaluation module. If a resource has a gap on a skill which is the object of a course edition, the system automatically notificate the information to the resource and to his manager. The partecipation to the course is regulated by a subscription workflow that can be done by the resource. In that case, the participation is subordinated to the approval made by his manager and by the Trainer responsible for the course.
The Trainer can use the module not only to regulate the participation, but also o mantain the class registry annotating the presence ot the students to the training sessions. The module provide also the opportunity to manage the reservation of training facilities in a shared calendar.
Once the course is completed, the trainer can deliver a questionnaire to the participants to evaluate the level reached and can trasform the result in a proficiency evaluation. At the same time, the system will deliver a feedback questionnaire to the learners about the course edition and the trainer. Data about popularity of the course and of the trainer will be delivered to the high level managers to create a base for strategic decisions. Competence levels determined by the trainer will be submitted to the Staff Manager for a validation.
By this way, Training Management module provides all the tools and the profiles needed to manage the entire training workflow. The availability of all the data in one integrated environment allows the production of complete reports on costs and benefits of the training: how many hours have been delivered, which are the costs, which is the gross cost considering also working hours, how many competence levels are gained, how much the compliance ratio of the workforce has been augmented, and so on.