- 1. Create a new certification test
- 2. Search certification test by filtering
- 3. Define pointing rules for a test
- 4. Insert a new multiple choice question in a test
- 5. Modify multiple choice question
- 6. Delete multiple choice question
Test management
1. Create a new certification test
Click on the Test Management widget to proceed to the main page.
On the main page, click on the button "New test" to open the pop-up.
In the pop-up, fill in all the mandatory fields and click on the button "Save" to create a new test.
The new test appears in the main table.
Test management
2. Search certification test by filtering
Click on the Test Management widget to proceed to the main page.
Tests can be filtered. Click on the "Skill name" filter input field and enter the desired skill name. Click on the desired filter to open a drop-down menu and select the desired option.
Click on the button "Apply".
A list of tests with the corresponding data will appear in the table.
Tests can be ordered. Click on the table header column "Test name" to order tests by test name.
The main table will order tests by their names.
Test management
3. Define pointing rules for a test
Click on the Test Management widget to proceed to the main page.
On the main page, click on the details (lens icon) on the desired test to proceed to the detail page.
In the tab `Detail`, modify the desired data of the skill (mandatory fields must be filled in).
Scroll down to the tab and click on the button "Save".
The notification pop-up appear. Click on the button "Yes" to save new changes of the test.
Scroll up to the tab to see the changes of the modified skill.
Test management
4. Insert a new multiple choice question in a test
Click on the Test Management widget to proceed to the main page.
On the main page, click on the details (lens icon) on the desired test to proceed to the detail page.
Select the "Questions" tab.
Click on the button "Add question" to open the pop-up.
Fill in the mandatory field "Question" with the question.
In the "Answer text " column enter the text of the answer (one correct and minimal one wrong).
Click on the button "Save".
The question with multiple choice of answers will appear in the tab table.
Test management
5. Modify multiple choice question
Click on the Test Management widget to proceed to the main page.
On the main page, click on the details (lens icon) on the desired test to proceed to the detail page.
Select the "Questions" tab.
Select the desired question with multiple choice of answers and click on the button "Modify".
Enter the new data of question in the field "Question" to modify question.
Enter the new data of answer (wrong or correct) in the field "Answer text" to modify answer.
Click on the button "Save".
The modified question with multiple choice of answers will appear in the tab table.
Test management
6. Delete multiple choice question
Click on the Test Management widget to proceed to the main page.
On the main page, click on the details (lens icon) on the desired test to proceed to the detail page.
Select the "Questions" tab.
Select the desired question with multiple choice of answers option and click on the delete button (trash icon) to delete the questiion.
The question with multiple choice of answers will dissapear from the tab table.