- 1. Check the execution status of scheduled audits
- 2. Select and control a specific audit
- 3. Check the outcome of the audit
- 4. Plan an audit
- 5. Check the audit calendar
- 6. Analyze the outcome of the audits based on the areas covered
- 7. Analyze the outcome of the audits based on auditors
- 8. Analyze the progress of audits over time
- 9. Execute an audit within your profile
- 10. Execute an audit from a notification
- 11. Score detail summary card
- 12. Score detail summary report
EHS Audit overview
1. Check the execution status of scheduled audits
Check the number of audits planned, performed, waiting and expired.
The dashboard widget allows you to make a preliminary analysis of the scheduled audits through the Key Activities indicators highlighting the total number of audits planned in the last year (“Planned last 12 M) classified by status (“Executed”, “Pending” and “Expired”).
The same data are represented in the chart. For each area reported on the x-axis, you can indentify the number of “Audit executed” (look at the left-hand scale), and the number of audit pending (look at the right-hand scale).
Access the main page to analyze data more in detail. The main table shows you the complete list of audits you are managing with all the related information.
Focus you attention on the column “Status”. You can easily identify three main indicators: red (audit expired); green (audit executed); yellow (audit pending).
If you need to monitor the audit by a specific status, select it through the filter and click on “Apply”.
You can now analyze the related results.
EHS Audit overview
2. Select and control a specific audit
Search for an audit by type, area, status or period. Access the details of the audit.
The dashboard widget allows you to make a preliminary analysis of the scheduled audits through the Key Activities indicators highlighting the total number of audits planned in the last year (“Planned last 12 M) classified by status (“Executed”, “Pending” and “Expired”).
Access the main page to analyze data more in detail. The main table shows you the complete list of audits you are managing with all the related information (filters are not set by default).
Use filter to select a specific audit to be analyzed.
Refine your search.
Select the audit to be analyzed in detail.
You can now view all the related information and edit or delete the audit.
EHS Audit overview
3. Check the outcome of the audit
Access the cards with the result to analyze all the observations made during the audit
Click on the widget "Ehs Audit Overview" to view the mainpage.
The main table shows you the complete list of audits you are managing with all the related information (filters are not set by default).
Use filter on the basis of your analysis needs.
Identify the specific audit to be analyzed and enter the detail.
Access the tab “Score detail”.
Then, scroll down the list and analyze all the information made during the audit. You can easily identify positive and negative answers (marked in green and red, respectively).
EHS Audit overview
4. Plan an audit
Create a new audit by defining the type, date of execution, area and auditor
The dashboard widget allows you to make a preliminary analysis of the scheduled audits through the Key Activities indicators highlighting the total number of audits planned in the last year (“Planned last 12 M) classified by status (“Executed”, “Pending” and “Expired”).
Note: The EHS managers can plan an audit.
Access the main page to analyze data more in detail. The main table shows you the complete list of audits you are managing with all the related information (filters are not set by default).
Note: The EHS managers can plan an audit.
If you need to plan a new audit, click the button “Plan new audit”.
Note: The EHS managers can plan an audit.
A dialogue window will be displayed. Define the “Audit type”, “Area”,“Auditor” and "Planned Date". Click on “Save and notify” once finished.
Note: The EHS managers can plan an audit.
Then, use filters to search for the audit just created.
Note: The EHS managers can plan an audit.
You can now verify that the new audit has been duly added to the system.
Note: The EHS managers can plan an audit.
EHS Audit overview
5. Check the audit calendar
Access the calendar function and check the audits planned, their type and the related auditor.
The dashboard widget allows you to make a preliminary analysis of the scheduled audits through the Key Activities indicators highlighting the total number of audits planned in the last year (“Planned last 12 M) classified by status (“Executed”, “Pending” and “Expired”).
Access the main page to analyze data more in detail. The main table shows you the complete list of audits you are managing with all the related information (filters are not set by default).
To check the audit calendar click on the calendar icon.
You can now view the calendar of the planned audits related to the current month. By clicking on the arrows next to the month name the monts will change.
Use filters to select a specific “Auditor” and “Audit type” to be monitored and click on “Apply”.
Now you can view the related results.
Note: EHS Site Manager can create a new audit by clicking on the blue "+" button and fill in the necessary information.
EHS Audit overview
6. Analyze the outcome of the audits based on the areas covered
Access the graphical reports dedicated to the distribution area and check the results of the audit performed. Use filters to select data by type, auditor and period on the basis of your analysis needs.
The dashboard widget allows you to make a preliminary analysis of the scheduled audits through the Key Activities indicators highlighting the total number of audits planned in the last year (“Planned last 12 M) classified by status (“Executed”, “Pending” and “Expired”).
Click on the graph function and select “Area distribution” in the drop-down list.
A complete set of graphs is at your disposal to perform a variety of analysis:
- examine the distribution of the areas (“Area distribution-total” graph);
- analyze the distribution of the areas over time (“Area distribution-time series” graph);
- monitor the delays (“Area-delay records” graph);
- examine the tags generated (“Area-results record” graph).
If you need to examine the distribution of the areas, use the first graph. You can analyze the aggregated data of the areas reported on the x-axis and indentify, for each of them, the number of “Audit executed” (look at the left-hand scale), and the number of audit pending (look at the right-hand scale).
Then, use filters to select a specific “Audit type” on the basis of your analysis need.
You can now analyze the related results.
EHS Audit overview
7. Analyze the outcome of the audits based on auditors
Access the graphical reports dedicated to the distribution of auditors and check the outcome of the audit performed. Use filters by type, area and period on the basis of your analysis needs.
The dashboard widget allows you to make a preliminary analysis of the scheduled audits. Click on the widget to access the main page.
Click on the graph function to analyze the outcome of the audits based on auditors. Then, select “Auditor distribution” in the drop-down list.
A complete set of graphs is at your disposal to perform a variety of analysis:
-examine the distribution of the activities of the auditor (“Auditor-total activities” graph);
-monthly monitoring of the activities of the auditor (“Auditor-monthly activities” graph);
-view the delays (“Auditor records” graph);
-examine the tags generated for each auditor (“Auditor-results” graph).
If you need to examine the total activities of the auditors, use the first graph. You can analyze the aggregated data of the activities reported on the x-axis and indentify, for each auditor, the number of “Audit executed” (look at the left-hand scale), and the number of audit pending (look at the right-hand scale).
Then, use filters to define the specific period of time to be monitored on the basis of your analysis need.
You can now analyze the related results.
EHS Audit overview
8. Analyze the progress of audits over time
Access the graphical reports dedicated to the time series and verify the variation of the results of the audits and the ability to perform them within the expected deadline.
The dashboard widget allows you to make a preliminary analysis of the scheduled audits. Click on the widget to access the main page.
Click on the graph function to analyze the progress of the audits over time. Then, select “Temporal trends” in the drop-down list.
Two graphs are at your disposal to perform specific analysis:
- examine the tags generated over time (“Temporal trend-total activities” graph);
- monthly monitoring of the audits (“Auditor-monthly activities” graph).
If you need to examine the Temporal Trends, use the first graph. You can analyze the tags generated monthly on the x-axis and indentify the minimum, maximum and average scores (look at the right-hand scale).
Then, define the specific area to be examined on the basis of your analysis need.
You can now analyze the related results.
EHS Audit overview
9. Execute an audit within your profile
Access from audits list to a "to be executed" one. If the date is expired, open the execution page and fulfill the required data. Answer to the additional questions when there is a non conformity to automatically create an EHS tag. Close the audit execution page, calculating the audit overall score.
The dashboard widget allows you to make a preliminary analysis of the scheduled audits. Click on the widget to access the main page.
Select the audit to be executed in the list.
Note: If the date has expired, open the execution page and fulfill the required data.
Access the tab “Score detail” and click on the button “Execute audit”.
Fulfil the required data providing positive or negative answers.
When you answer negatively, a pop-up will be displayed in which you need to confirm your intention to report the non-compliance and generate a tag.
Fill in the mandatory fields and click on the Save button once finished.
While answering, pay attention to the column “Applicable”. If there is no flag it means that it is mandatory to provide an answer.
When you need to specify that the item is not applicable, you simply need to deselect the flag. You can verify that the item has been deselected and the answer options are removed.
Once completed, the system shows you the weighted score achieved with all the related details.
EHS Audit overview
10. Execute an audit from a notification
Access from a notification link directly to the audit execution page and fulfill the required data. Answer to the additional questions when there is a non conformity to automatically create an EHS tag. Close the audit execution page, calculating the audit overall score.
When an audit is planned a notification will be sent to the EHS Operator. Check your inbox to manage your activities.
The notification shows that an audit has been scheduled. Click on the button “Execute Audit” to proceed.
Note: An e-mail is also sent to proceed with the operation through your mobile device.
You will be directly addressed to the Score detail tab for the audit to be executed. Click on the button “Execute audit”.
Fulfill the required data providing positive or negative answers.
When you answer negatively, a pop-up will be displayed in which you need to confirm your intention to report the non-compliance and generate a tag.
Fill in the mandatory fields and click on save once finished.
While answering, pay attention to the column “Applicable”. If there’s no flag it means that it’s mandatory to provide an answer.
When you need to specify that the item is not applicable, you simply need to deselect the flag. You can verify that the item has been deselected and the answer options are removed.
Once completed, the system shows the Weighted score achieved with all the related details (Conformity index, Penalty score, Tags generated).
EHS Audit overview
11. Score detail summary card
Summary card available for each `NO` answer
Click on the EHS Audit overview widget to proceed to the main page.
On the main page click on the desired executed audit detail (lens icon) to proceed to the detail page.
On the detail page select the tab "Score detail".
Summary card is available for each "No" answer.
Select the desired item and click on the summary card icon to open the "Tag summary card" pop-up.
The "Tag summary card" pop-up show details of the tag created for the checklist item.
Tag summary card can be downloaded in pdf format. Click on the "Pdf download" button.
EHS Audit overview
12. Score detail summary report
All summary cards can be download in a total summary report
Click on the EHS Audit overview widget to proceed to the main page.
On the main page click on the desired executed audit detail (lens icon) to proceed to the detail page.
On the detail page select the tab "Score detail".
All summary cards can be download in a total summary report. Click on the button "Summary report" to download an overall report in pdf format.
The Summary report pdf file will be downloaded to your computer.