Exagogica Panoptikon


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Course editions
  • 1. Overview of course editions
  • 2. Create a new edition
  • 3. Select Editions by type
  • 4. Analyze existing editions through graphs
  • 5. Modify attributes of an existing edition
  • 6. Add participants
  • 7. Accept or deny participation requests
  • 8. Book facilities for sessions
  • 9. Manage the attendance
  • 10. Choose the test for final evaluation
  • 11. View final test results
  • 12. View feedbacks on course editions
  • 13. Close an edition

Course editions

1. Overview of course editions

Monitor editions to be managed

Click on the Course editions widget to proceed to the main page.


The main page shows a list of Course editions.


Course editions can be ordered. Click on the header column named "Edition" to order editions by edition.


The main table will order Course editions by their edition.


Course editions can be filtered by the following filters: Type, Course, Corporation, Site, Room, Facilitation, Training manager, Starting date, Ending date, and Edition. Click on the desired filter field to open a drop-down menu and select the desired option. Click on the button "Apply".


The Course editions with the corresponding data will appear in the main table.


Course editions

2. Create a new edition

Create a new edition by defining editions attributes and assigning a training manager.

Click on the Course editions widget to proceed to the main page.


On the main page, click on the button "New edition" to open the pop-up.


In the pop-up "New edition" fill in all mandatory fields with a desired data and click on the button "Insert".


In the notification pop-up, click on the button "Yes" to insert a new edition and to send a notification to all resources with gaps on the skill.


On the main page scroll down and a new edition will appear in the main table on the page.


Course editions

3. Select Editions by type

Select Editions by type

Click on the Course editions widget to proceed to the main page.


The main page shows the list of Course editions.


Course editions can be filtered by the "Type" filter. Select the desired type (Classroom, Distance or Self training) in the "Type" filter field and click on the button "Apply".


A list of Course editions with the corresponding data will appear in the main page main table.


Course editions

4. Analyze existing editions through graphs

Analyze existing editions through graphs

Click on the Course editions widget to proceed to the main page.


The main page shows the list of Course editions.


In the main page click on the graph icon to analyze the desired graph. Chose "Course editions GANTT" option.


Many results are shown on the graph page. Select the desired filters (fields required for analysis - Course, Starting date and Ending date) and click button "Apply.


The results for a desired course will appear on the graph page.


Course editions

5. Modify attributes of an existing edition

Modify attributes of an existing edition

Click on the Course editions widget to proceed to the main page.


The main page shows a list of Course editions.


On the main page scroll down, select the desired Course edition and click on the detail (lens icon) to proceed to the detail page.


In the detailed page on the Detail edition tab shows the detailed information for desired edition.


In the detailed page to modify an existing edition click on the desired field and change the data.Fill all mandatory fields in the pop-up. Scrool down the page and click on the button "Save" to save the new data.


In the notification pop-up "Update", click on the button "Yes" to update this edition.


In the notification pop-up "Success", click on the button "Ok" to confirm to successfully update the edition.


In the detailed page on the Detail edition tab shows the modified information for this edition.


The edition which has been modified will display new data, in the main page main table.


Course editions

6. Add participants

Add participants to a course edition

Click on the Course editions widget to proceed to the main page.


The main page shows a list of Course editions.


On the main page scroll down, select the desired edition and click on the detail (lens icon) to proceed to the detail page.


In the detail page select the tab Participants.


In the tab Participants click on the button "Insert paticipant" to open the pop-up "Insert participant".


In the pop-up "Insert participant" click on the button "Search" for list participants.


A list with the corresponding data will appear in the table. Select the desired participant and click on the button "Insert" which is in the "Action" column.


The notification pop-up appears that`s a new participant was successfully inserted.


The participant which has been inserted will appear in the tab table on the Participant tab.


Course editions

7. Accept or deny participation requests

Accept or deny participation requests

Click on the Course editions widget to proceed to the main page.


The main page shows the list of Course editions.


On the main page scroll down, select the desired edition and click on the detail (lens icon) to proceed to the detail page.


In the detail page select the tab Participants.


In the tab Participants, select the desired participant and click on the "Accept" button in the column Status and click on the button "Save".


In the notification pop-up "Success", click on the button "Ok" to confirm to successfully accepted the participant.


The participant which has been accepted will appear in the tab table on the Participants tab.


Course editions

8. Book facilities for sessions

Book facilities for sessions

Click on the Course editions widget to proceed to the main page.


The main page shows the list of Course editions.


On the main page scroll down, select the desired edition and click on the detail (lens icon) to proceed to the detail page.


In the detail page select the tab Session registry.


In the tab Session registry click on the button "Insert session" to open the pop-up "Insert session".


In the pop-up "Insert session" enter the desired Session name, select the desired classroom, date, starting hour and Ending hours, enter the total hours and click on the button "Check availability".


In the tab Session registry will appear pop-up "Classroom details" with the Calendar with available dates for that classroom, for that time and for the period you specified.


Course editions

9. Manage the attendance

Manage the attendance

Click on the Course editions widget to proceed to the main page.


The main page shows the list of Course editions.


On the main page scroll down, select the desired edition and click on the detail (lens icon) to proceed to the detail page.


In the detail page select the tab Attendance Management.


A list with the corresponding data will appear in the table. Select the desired "Yes" which is in the "Present" column to add all attendances and click on the button "Save".


The notification pop-up appears that`s a successfully added all attendances. Click on the button "Ok" to confirm.


In the table on the Attendance Management tab, the column "Present" will be automatically disabled.


Course editions

10. Choose the test for final evaluation

Choose the test for final evaluation

Click on the Course editions widget to proceed to the main page.


The main page shows the list of Course editions.


On the main page scroll down, select the desired edition and click on the detail (lens icon) to proceed to the detail page.


In the detail page select the tab Assessment.


On the tab Assesment select the desired test and click on the button "Select" to the deselected test.


The test which has been deselected will appear in the column "Select/Deselect" in the tab table on the Assessment tab.


Course editions

11. View final test results

View final test results

Click on the Course editions widget to proceed to the main page.


The main page shows the list of Course editions.


On the main page scroll down, select the desired edition and click on the detail (lens icon) to proceed to the detail page.


In the detail page select the tab Relsults. The evaluation of the results is made in this tab for courses which do not have test assessments, (if there are test assessments the evaluation column does not contain the button "evaluate" but only the positive or negative outcome of the test.


In the tab Results, select the desired participant and click on the "Evaluate" button in the Evaluate column to open the pop-up.


In the pop-up "Evaluate" rate the success of this module, click on the button "Positive" or "Negative", fill in all required fields (Select one of the option in the Achievement of the target) and click on the "Save" button to save the evaluation.


In the notification pop-up "Warning", click on the button "Yes" to evaluate this participant.


In the notification pop-up "Success", click on the button "Ok" to confirm to the participant successfully validated.


The participant which has been rated will appear in the tab table on the Results tab.


Course editions

12. View feedbacks on course editions

View feedbacks on course editions sent by participants

Click on the Course editions widget to proceed to the main page.


The main page shows the list of Course editions.


On the main page scroll down, select the desired edition and click on the detail (lens icon) to proceed to the detail page.


On the details page, select the Feedback tab. This Feedback tab displays the lists of feedback that participants received about the selected course edition. The table contains the following information: Participant, Job Usefulness, Why, English, Balance Theory Practice, Convocation, Training Space, Material Teaching Lessons, Time Management, Overall Evaluation and ECC Concluding Remarks.


Course editions

13. Close an edition

Close an edition

Click on the Course editions widget to proceed to the main page.


The main page shows a list of Course editions.


On the main page scroll down, select the desired Course edition which contains "Close" button. Click on the button "Close" to open the pop-up "Final evaluation".


In the pop-up, fill the "Comment" field with a desired data and click on the button "Close edition".


In the notification pop-up "Warning", click on the button "Yes" to close this edition.


A closed edition will be displayed with the date it was closed in the main table of the main page.