- 1. Check the results of the various types of audits
- 2. Create a new type of audit
- 3. Select an audit type in use and change the features
- 4. Select an audit type that is not in use and change the features
- 5. Select an audit type that is not in use and delete it
- 6. View and edit sections of an audit type
- 7. Create a new section
- 8. View the checklist of an audit type
- 9. Create or edit a checklist of an audit type
- 10. Analyze the composition of the types of audits
EHS Audit type management
1. Check the results of the various types of audits
Check how many types of audits are currently planned, divide them by scope and by status, check the number and type of observations to be made, check the severity of the expected nonconformities.
The dashboard widget allows you to make a preliminary analysis of the audit types to be managed through the Key Activities Indicators.You can identify: the total number of “Audit types”; the “total topics” and the related “average” (resulting from the quotient between the total topics number and the total number of audit Types) and the scores (“Top minimum” and “Top maximum”).
Access the main page to analyze data in detail. The main table shows you the complete list of all valid audit types you are managing with all the related information (the status filter is set on “valid” by default).
Use filters to select the audit types by “Scope” and “Status” on the basis of your analysis needs.
You can check the total number of observable items (“Total topics”) for each audit type.
Then, verify the tags generated by the non-conformities (“Unsafe type” section) classified in Unsafe condition (“UC”) and Unsafe act (“UA”).
To complete your analysis, check the gravity levels. You can use the sortable column to identify the area reporting the maximum observable level of gravity.
EHS Audit type management
2. Create a new type of audit
Create a new type, assign a name and description and define the scope. Specify if you can define the required observations as not applicable and establish the score to be assigned to each non-compliance detected.
Click on the dashboard widget “EHS Audit Type management” to access the main page.
Click on the button “New audit type” to create a new one.
Define the “Audit type name” at first (the status is set on “valid” by default).
Select the “Scope” and view all the items related to the “gravity” index that are now displayed.
Add the “Description” and the “Penalty score” for each item listed.
Click on “Save” once finished.
EHS Audit type management
3. Select an audit type in use and change the features
Select a type based on the scope and status, change its name and description, make it unusable or new usable again if its state is not valid
Click on the dashboard widget “EHS Audit Type management” to access the main page.
The main table shows shows you the complete list of all valid audit types you are managing with all the related information (the filter status is set on “valid” by default).
Use filters to select the audit types by “Scope” and “Status” on the basis of your analysis needs.
Enter the details of the “Audit type” you need to update.
The general detail are displayed in the tab “Audit type info”.
Update the necessary details (“Audit type name” and “Description”) and change the “Status” from “Not Valid” to “Valid” to make the audit type usable again.
Once completed, click on “Save”.
EHS Audit type management
4. Select an audit type that is not in use and change the features
Select a type never used and modify attributes that are otherwise no longer modifiable, such as the admission of Not applicable, the scope and the score of non-conformities.
Click on the dashboard widget “EHS Audit Type management” to access the main page.
The complete list of Audit types your are managing is displayed. Select the“Audit type” not in use you need to update and enter the detail.
All the related information are displayed in the tab "Audit type info".
Modify the features of the audit type.
Scroll down the page and check the "Penalty Score" and update the related values if necessary.
Click on the button "Save" once finished.
EHS Audit type management
5. Select an audit type that is not in use and delete it
Select an audit type that is not in use and delete it
Click on the dashboard widget “EHS Audit Type management” to access the main page.
The complete list of Audit types your are managing is displayed. Select the“Audit type” not in use to be deleted and enter the detail.
All the related information are displayed in the tab "Audit type info".
Click on the button “Delete” to proceed with the operation.
EHS Audit type management
6. View and edit sections of an audit type
Select a type and view the sections provided, modify on one of them by changing their name, description or order of presentation.
Click on the dashboard widget “EHS Audit Type management” to access the main page.
The complete list of audit types you are managing is displayed. Select the specific “Audit type” to be updated and enter the detail.
Access the “Audit sections” tab to view the complete list of related sections.
Identify the “Audit section” to be modified and click on the specific function.
Update the “Name”, the “Description” and click on “Save” once finished.
The “Audit Section” has been duly updated.
If you also need to change its order of visualization in the list, you simply need to drag and drop it in the desired position.
EHS Audit type management
7. Create a new section
Select a type and create a new section by defining the name, description and order of appearance; if the section has no linked item, check the possibility of eliminating it.
Click on the dashboard widget "EHS Audit type management" to access the main page.
The complete list of audit types you are managing is displayed. Select a specific audit to analyze the related sections.
Access the tab “Audit Section”.
Click on the button "New Section" to add a new one.
Define the “Name” and the “Description” of the new section and click on “Save” once finished.
The new section is displayed at the end of the list.
If you need to modify the order of appearance in the list, drag and drop the new section in the desired position.
Then, evaluate also the possibility of removing it and click on the pencil icon to proceed.
Note: Only the sections with no "Items related" can be deleted.
A dialogue window is displayed. Click on the button "delete" to confirm your operation.
EHS Audit type management
8. View the checklist of an audit type
Select a type and view the items to be observed, select them based on the type of detectable non-conformities and the severity level; modifyone of them by changing the name, description, order of presentation, related section , severity and type of non-conformities detectable; if you do not intend to use it anymore, deactivate it.
Click on "EHS Audit type management" dashboard widget to access the main page.
The complete list of audit types you are managing is displayed. Select a specific audit type to analyze the related checklists.
Access the tab "Item checklist" where the complete list of items is displayed.
Use filters to select the item checklist on the basis of detectable non-conformities ( "UA"-Unsafe Act/ "UC" Unsafe conditions) and "Gravity level".
Identify the checklist to be updated and click on the pencil icon to proceed.
Change the necessary information click on the button "Save" once finished.
EHS Audit type management
9. Create or edit a checklist of an audit type
Select a type and create a new item that must be observed, define the name, description, order of presentation, related section, severity and type of non-conformity detectable;if the item has never been used, check the possibility of eliminating it.
Click on "EHS Audit type management" dashboard widget to access the main page.
The complete list of audit types you are managing is displayed. Select a specific "Audit type".
Access the tab "item checklist" where the complete list of items is displayed classified by sections.
Click on the button "New Item" to create a new one.
Add the necessary information and click on the button "Save" once completed.
Scroll down the list to search the section related to the new item and verify its position in the list.
To change the order in the list, drag the new item and drop it in the desired position.
If further on you do not intend to use the item anymore, click on the pencil icon.
Then, click on the button "Delete" in the dialogue window that is displayed.
EHS Audit type management
10. Analyze the composition of the types of audits
Access the graphical reports dedicated to the composition of the types of audits in relation to the severity and type of possible non-conformities.
Click on the dashboard widget “EHS Audit Type management” to access the main page.
Then, click on the graph icon to access the graphical reports.
"Topic distribution” tab shows you the graphical analysis available.
Analyze the “Topic distribution for levels” (1st graph) and identify the current highest gravity level.
Then, scroll down the page and analyze the audit types classified by “Unsafe act” and “Unsafe conditions” (2nd graph).
To complete your analysis, select the specific audit type you need to examine and analyze the related results.