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Losses definition
  • 1. Monitor the definition of efficiency losses
  • 2. Manage the period
  • 3. Import a list of efficiency losses
  • 4. Add a new loss
  • 5. Analyze and modify the details of a loss
  • 6. Limit the analysis to a specific area
  • 7. Make visual comparisons between recorded losses
  • 8. Start the analysis of a loss reduction project
  • 9. Analyze the aggregations of loss by category and type
  • 10. Make visual comparisons between aggregations by category and type
  • 11. Analyze loss aggregations by organizational process
  • 12. Make visual comparisons between aggregations by organizational process

Losses definition

1. Monitor the definition of efficiency losses

Monitor the definition of efficiency losses

Click on the Losses definition widget to proceed to the main page.


Tab "Loss list" shows the list of loss categories belonging to a particular period (scroll down to the page to see the main table).


Losses can be filtered. Click on the desired filter to open a drop-down menu with options. Select the desired option. Click on the button "Apply".


A list of losses with the corresponding data will appear in the table.


Losses can be ordered. Click on the header column named "Loss category" to order losses by their category names.


The main table will order losses by their category names.


Losses definition

2. Manage the period

Manage the period


Click on the Losses definition widget to proceed to the main page.


On the main page tab "Loss list", click on the button "New period" to open a pop-up.


The notification pop-up appears. Click on the button "Ok" to proceed to create a new period.


In the pop-up, fill in all mandatory fields and click on the button "Save".


The notification pop-up appears. Click on the button "Yes" to proceed to create a new period.


A new period is created. The last period that was is in active status now is in closed status (when a user creates a new period, the old period automatically goes into closed status).


Losses definition

3. Import a list of efficiency losses

Import a list of efficiency losses

Click on the Losses definition widget to proceed to the main page.


Click on the "Import list" button to open a pop-up that allows to export the excel template that will be used to import multiple resources at once into the system.


Click on the "Download excel template" to save the excel template to the computer.


Fill in the excel template with the desired data of losses (mandatory fields must be filled in) and save the document.


Click on the "Next" button to proceed to the next step.


To upload excel template file filled in with your data click on the button "Import data from excel".


Excel template was successfully imported into the system.


Scroll down to the main page to see new imported losses.


Losses definition

4. Add a new loss

Add a new loss

Click on the Losses definition widget to proceed to the main page.


On the main page, click on the button "Add loss" to open the pop-up.


In the pop-up, fill in all mandatory fields with the desired data and click on the button "Save".


The notification pop-up appears. Click on the button "Yes" to add a new loss.


A new loss will appear on the main page table (scroll down to the main page to see a new loss).


Losses definition

5. Analyze and modify the details of a loss

Analyze and modify the details of a loss

Click on the Losses definition widget to proceed to the main page.


The main page shows the list of categories belonging to a particular period.


This is the summary table. This table displays information about the year and the period within that year, the total number of losses within that period, etc.


To modify the details of the loss, click on the button "Examine".


Change the details of the loss (mandatory fields must be filled in) and click on the button "Update" to save changes.


The notification pop-up appears. Click on the button "Yes" to save changes.


A loss with a new category name, new type and new current yearly amount will appear on the main table.


Losses definition

6. Limit the analysis to a specific area

Limit the analysis to a specific area

Click on the Losses definition widget to proceed to the main page.


Tab "Loss list" shows the list of loss categories belonging to a particular period (scroll down to the page to see the main table).


Losses can be filtered. Click on the desired filter to open a drop-down menu with options. Select the desired option. Click on the button "Apply".


A list of losses with the corresponding data will appear in the table.


Losses definition

7. Make visual comparisons between recorded losses

Make visual comparisons between recorded losses

Click on the Losses definition widget to proceed to the main page.


On the "Loss list" tab, click on the chart icon to open a drop-down menu with a list of available charts. Select the desired chart and click to proceed to the chart page.


These charts allows to overview loss definition and the pareto of losses.


Scroll down to the tab to see the first chart. This chart allows to overview loss definition.


Click on the tab "Pareto of losses" to see the Pareto of losses chart.


Scroll down to the tab to see the chart. This tab allows to overview pareto of losses.


Losses definition

8. Start the analysis of a loss reduction project

Start the analysis of a loss reduction project

Click on the Losses definition widget to proceed to the main page.


Tab "Loss list" shows the list of loss categories belonging to a particular period (scroll down to the page to see the main table).


Click on the button "Examine" to modify the category details.


In the pop-up, select the tab "Manage".


Define the value of the percentage of the loss to be attacked in the field "Percentage to be attacked" (the second value in the field "Amount" depends on the percentage defined in this field).


Click on the button "Promote to examination" to create a new project idea and move it into the "implementation activities" feature.


The notification pop-up appears. Click on the button "Yes" to promote the loss to examination.


The analysis of a loss reduction project is successfully started.


Losses definition

9. Analyze the aggregations of loss by category and type

Analyze the aggregations of loss by category and type

Click on the Losses definition widget to proceed to the main page.


On the main page, select the "Aggregates per loss categories" tab.


Loss categories can be ordered. Click on the header column named "Loss category" to order loss categories by their names.


The main table will order loss categories by their names.


Loss categories can be filtered. Click on the desired filter to open a drop-down menu with options. Select the desired option. Click on the button "Apply".


A list of loss categories with the corresponding data will appear in the table.


To view aggregates per loss types click on the button "View per types".


Loss types can be filtered. Click on the desired filter to open a drop-down menu with options. Select the desired option. Click on the button "Apply".


A list of loss types with the corresponding data will appear in the table.


Losses definition

10. Make visual comparisons between aggregations by category and type

Make visual comparisons between aggregations by category and type

Click on the Losses definition widget to proceed to the main page.


On the main page, select the "Aggregates per loss categories" tab.


Click on the chart icon to open a drop-down menu with available charts. Select the desired chart to proceed to the chart page.


These charts shows the process of units, sub-units, domains and operations per loss category.


Scroll down to the page to see the chart. This chart shows loss categories per unit.


Click on the breadcrumbs "Main page" to go back to the main page.


On the main page, click on the button "View per types" to view aggregates per loss type.


Click on the chart icon to open a drop-down menu with available charts. Select the desired chart to proceed to the chart page.


These charts shows the process of units, sub-units, domains and operations per loss type.


Scroll down to the page to see the chart. This chart shows units per loss type.


Losses definition

11. Analyze loss aggregations by organizational process

Analyze loss aggregations by organizational process

Click on the Losses definition widget to proceed to the main page.


On the main page, select the "Aggregates per process units" tab.


Units can be filtered. Click on the desired filter to open a drop-down menu with options. Select the desired option. Click on the button "Apply".


A list of units with the corresponding data will appear in the table.


To view aggregates per process sub-unit click on the button "Stratify".


Sub-units can be filtered. Click on the desired filter to open a drop-down menu with options. Select the desired option. Click on the button "Apply".


A list of sub-units with the corresponding data will appear in the table.


Losses definition

12. Make visual comparisons between aggregations by organizational process

Make visual comparisons between aggregations by organizational process

Click on the Losses definition widget to proceed to the main page.


On the main page, select the "Aggregates per process units" tab.


Click on the chart icon to open a drop-down menu with available charts. Select the desired chart to proceed to the chart page.


These charts shows loss categories per unit and loss types per unit.


Scroll down to the tab to see the chart. This chart shows loss categories per unit.


Click on the breadcrumbs "Main page" to go back to the main page.


To view aggregates per process sub-units click on the button "Stratify".


Click on the chart icon to open a drop-down menu with available charts. Select the desired chart to proceed to the chart page.


These charts shows loss categories per sub-unit and loss types per sub-unit.


Scroll down to the tab to see the chart. This chart shows loss categories per sub-unit.