Exagogica Panoptikon


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Ticket Management
  • 1. Overview ticket management status
  • 2. Check out ticket details
  • 3. Answer to a ticket
  • 4. Close a ticket in a proper way
  • 5. Analyse tickets with visual charts
  • 6. Promote a ticket as a change request

Ticket Management

1. Overview ticket management status

Check out widget`s chart and indicators. Access the main page, list current tickets. Order them, filter them. Understand status indicators: pending, running, rejected. Understand typologies.

Click on the Ticket Management widget to proceed to the main page.


The main page shows the list of tickets.


Tickets can be filtered. To expand advanced filters click on the "Advanced filters".


Select the option "Pending" in the `Status` filter field to filter tickets by statuses. Click on the button "Apply".


A list of tickets with the status "Pending" appears in the main table.


Ticket Management

2. Check out ticket details

Check out ticket details: Ticket data reports all the data inserted bu the customer, plus data collected by the system (snap of the page of the application, profile of the user, date, etc.). Ticket history reports the conversation between the instance manager and the customer, eventually with attached files.

Click on the Ticket Management widget to proceed to the main page.


Select the desired ticket in the main table and click on the detail (lens icon) to proceed to the detail page.


Ticket detail tab shows the detailed information about the ticket and three buttons (Change request, Resolve and Reject).


Click on the tab "Ticket history" to proceed to the tab Ticket history.


Tab Ticket History reports the conversation between the Instance manager and the user eventually with attached files.


Ticket Management

3. Answer to a ticket

Select a pending ticket and go to the ticket detail. Check general information. Go to the history and insert a message for the customer asking for further details.

Click on the Ticket Management widget to proceed to the main page.


Select the desired ticket and click on the lens icon to proceed to the detail page.


Click on the tab named "Ticket history" to proceed to the tab Ticket history.


Click on the button "New message" to open the pop-up.


The pop-up will appear. Click on the button "Upload" to upload the desired file.


Insert a message for the customer asking for further details in the text field and click on the button "Send".


Ticket Management

4. Close a ticket in a proper way

Go to the Ticket data detail page and push the close button. Answer to the system requests. Classify the ticket. Select the outcome. If due, customize the message to the customer.

Click on the Ticket Management widget to proceed to the main page.


Select the ticket with the status "Pending" in the main table and click on the detail (lens icon) to proceed to the detail page.


In the detail page tab Ticket detail, click on the button "Resolve".


The pop-up will appear. Click on the button "Upload" to upload the desired file.


Click on the button "Save".


The notification pop-up will appear. Click on the button "Yes" to confirm the action.


Ticket Management

5. Analyse tickets with visual charts

Examine a project and close it as implemented. Insert as mandatory implementation notes. Declare the implementation date and the expected saving release date. A notification is generated towards project leader or site manager.

Click on the Ticket Management widget to proceed to the main page.


Click on the chart icon to proceed to the chart page.


The chart shows the number of tickets per different statuses, grouped in modules.


Scroll down to the chart page to see the chart table which gives information about each module.


Ticket Management

6. Promote a ticket as a change request

If the ticket highlights a code-based problem or define an improvement opportunity, check on "Promote as a change request" button. Answer to the system inserting your comments and post the request towards the vendor`s customer service. You could follow the request history by the Change Requests feature in the same Instance Management profile.

Click on the Ticket Management widget to proceed to the main page.


Select the desired ticket with the "Pending" status in the main table and click on the detail (lens icon) to proceed to the detail page.


Click on the button "Change request" to open the pop-up.


Click on the button "Save" to promote a ticket as a change request. The status of the ticket will change from "Pending" to the "Change request" status.


The pop-up "Change request" display the message. Click on the button "Upload" to upload the desired file.