Development Programs module is intended to let the Line managers able to suport the development of their resources, following one or more programs centered on specific skills development. Development programs are set for the entire organization and represent common sets of skills targets that a part of the population can be asked to reach. Which resources will partecipate to each program is decided by the Line Manager, whereas General, Branch, Site and Departmen level profiles can overview the activity and subsitue the lower managing profiles if they don't operate as aspected.
In Development Programs module, the most important figure is the resource itself, cause he or she can interact with their manager in a constant flow of information about all the development activities that are took in place by the resource to reach the target committed. This information interchange can be conducted via the standard browser system interface or via mobile messages (SMS + webapp) if the add-on Communication Gateway is installed.
When a Program is started and a resource is added to the partecipation list, the manager can start the development activity asking him for a self-assessment on the skills required. When the self assessment is completed, it come back to the manager for a validation. Starting from that moment, these first evaluation are consolidated as "entry level" and will be used by the system to elaborate all kind of stats.
Now the resource can express his proposals in the shape of Training Actions. He will define how to gain an higher level on the competences for which he isn't enough skilled and the manager will approve them, eventually with some changes. The manager can also assign some activities by default. Actions must have an expiration date.
One the date is reached, the system will send a reminder both to the resource and the manager. The former can communicate the result of the action, while the latter can request for it and, when he receive the information, can validate the result or reject it. When the manager validate the result, at the same time certificate the new skill lvel for the resource.
At the end of a program (normally after some months), participations are closed. Starting from this moment, no action coul be created on the skills involved in the program, but the same skills could be reassigned to another program if their development is already requested in the organization.
Development programs deliver not only the opportunity to manage the development workflow, but also a complete set of tools to analise the development activities, its costs in therms of working hours and its benefit. A specific feature allow to uplaod in the system an external KPI (Key Performance Indicator) on the performance level of each resource. The KPI can be updated monthly or on a time-scale that can be freely decided. The system provides interesting correlation analysis between this indicator and the KAY (Key Activity Indicator) provided by the Development activity, to discover which is the most effective program and the most effective skill to produce a positive variation on the perfomance level of the resources.