Exagogica Panoptikon


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Skill Catalog
  • 1. Search a skill by name
  • 2. Explore a skill-set navigating the tree
  • 3. Check skill details
  • 4. Make a proposal for a new skill
  • 5. Make a proposal for changing a skill
  • 6. Search for a skill already inserted in the skill catalog
  • 7. Submit contributions on a skill for the skill catalog
  • 8. Suggest a new skill for the skill catalog

Skill Catalog

1. Search a skill by name

Click on the `Skill Catalog` home widget button "Search" to proceed to the main page.


On the main page, click on the "Skill name" input field and insert a name of the desired skill and click on the button "Apply".


Click on the expand icon to expand the tree to reach to the searched skill.


The skill with the name from the search filter will appear in the main table.


Skill Catalog

2. Explore a skill-set navigating the tree

Click on the "Skill Catalog" home widget button "Search" to proceed to the main page.


Click on the expand icon to expand the tree to reach to the list of skills.


Select the desired skill in the main page tree and click on the expand icon to open details about the skill.


Each skill detail panel has these three tabs: Skill detail, Checklist and Documents.


To collaps skills, click on the expanded area.


To collaps areas, click on the expanded sector.


Now all sectors are collapsed.


Skill Catalog

3. Check skill details

Click on the `Skill Catalog` widget button "Search" to proceed to the main page.


Click on the expand icon to expand the tree to reach to the list of skills.


Click on the desired skill to open details.


The tab `Skill detail` shows details about selected skill (this tab is default selected).


The tab "Checklist" shows capabilities about selected skill.


The tab `Documents` shows documents which are uploaded to the selected skill. To download document, click on the download button (download icon) and the document will be exported. Or, if this document is a link, click on the button "Go to" to open the link.


Skill Catalog

4. Make a proposal for a new skill

Click on the `Skill Catalog` home widget button "Search" to proceed to the main page.


On the main page click on the button "New" to suggest a new skill.


In the pop-up, fill in all mandatory fields and click on the button "Save".


The notification pop-up appear. This pop-up display the list of simiral skills. Click on the button "Confirm" to proceed to send suggest for a new skill.


Skill Catalog

5. Make a proposal for changing a skill

Click on the `Skill Catalog` home widget button "Search" to proceed to the main page.


On the main page select the desired sector in the main page tree and click on the expand icon to expand areas.


In the tab "Skill detail" (this tab is default selected) click on the button "Suggest change".


Change the desired data (all mandatory fields must be filled in) and click on the button "Save".


The notification pop-up appears. Click on the button "Yes" to send the skill change request.


The request for the skill change has been sent.


Skill Catalog

6. Search for a skill already inserted in the skill catalog

Search for a skill already inserted in the skill catalog

Participate actively in skills catalog improvement by searching skills and adding your comment on the improvement


Search by scrolling through the sectors and go to a specific competence area clicking on the arrow in a given row


To find a specific skill, set filters, insert a key word or scroll through the list of skills.  Each skill has it’s own box, use info icon found next to skill name to see skill and requirements description. Use Search button to proceed


Proceed with fast searching functions using Search button found on the upper right corner


To find a specific skill, set filters, insert a key word or scroll through the list of skills.  Each skill has it’s own box, use info icon found next to skill name to see skill and requirements description. Use Search button to proceed


Skill Catalog

7. Submit contributions on a skill for the skill catalog

Submit contributions on a skill for the skill catalog

Find a skill by searching through the Sector, Area and then skills list or Search button


Click on Improve button in the down right corner to open a new dialog window that allows you to propose your improvements


Use Submit comment to insert your comment on how to improve skill description, insert the text and then Send. General manager will receive your proposal and will evaluate it, once approved, it will be available in the catalog


Scroll down to On jobs section, Submit comment if you want to suggest that any job position may require this skill, insert the text and then Send. General manager will receive your proposal and will evaluate it, once approved, it will be available in the catalog


Now go to the Checklist, choose the level for which you want to propose a requirement, click Add new, insert the text Send. General manager will receive your proposal and will evaluate it, once approved, it will be available in the catalog


In case of any proposal submitted for skill, job or requirement level you will see red * and Submit comment button will become Requestsubmittedto show you that you’ve already worked on a given item


Skill Catalog

8. Suggest a new skill for the skill catalog

Suggest a new skill for the skill catalog

If you have a new skill to be suggested, use Suggest new skill + in the upper right corner. In new dialog window you have to insert Title, Description, Sector and Area, once provided, click Add. General manager will receive your proposal and will evaluate it, once approved, it will be available in the catalog