Exagogica Panoptikon


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Project Running
  • 1. Overview project running status
  • 2. Manage a pending project
  • 3. Insert a new running project
  • 4. Check out project running details
  • 5. Declare the projet team considering workload
  • 6. Close an unsuccessful project
  • 7. Close a project as implemented
  • 8. Analyse running projects with visual charts

Project Running

1. Overview project running status

Check out widget`s chart and indicators. Access the main page, list current running project. Order them, filter them. Understand status indicators: pending, running, delayed

Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.


Projects can be filtered. Select the desired status in the "Status" filter and click on the button "Apply".


The projects will be filtered by the selected status.


Project Running

2. Manage a pending project

When an approved project idea arrives to the expected starting date, the system create a new running project in pending status and send a notification to project leader and site project manager. Open the project card and declare the start date to move the project in running phase.

Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.


Select the desired project with the pending status and click on the lens icon to proceed to the detail page.


Select the "Runing" tab and fill all mandatory fields. Click on the button "Start project".


In the pop-up "Start project" define the starting date in the "Starting date" field. Click on the button "Start project".


The project is in the running status now.


Project Running

3. Insert a new running project

Create a new running project. The project will be linked to a project ideas. Insert title, leader, description, expected starting date and expcted ending date as mandatory. The project will be inserted as pending.

Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.


In the main page click on the "New project" and a pop-up will appear.


In the pop-up "New project" define all mandatory fields and click on the button "Create".


The new project will appear in the table of the main page.


Project Running

4. Check out project running details

Check out the project card to compare data between different phases` extimations (read only). Check out the planning card to verify all the past phases details (read only). Operate on running tab to modify title, leader, description, implementation notes, start date, end date, economics forecast, upload files.

Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.


Select the desired project and click on the lens icon to proceed to the detail page.


In the "Project card" tab the summarized information for this project can be seen, including the Planing and the Running phase.


In the "Planning" tab information for this project can be seen (name, project leader, description, expected start date and expected end date).


Tab Running shows information for project related to the running status.


Project Running

5. Declare the projet team considering workload

Compose the project team for a running project selecting team mates using workload information.

Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.


Select the desired project and click on the lens icon to proceed to the detail page.


In the Tab Running, scroll down the page and click on the button "Add member"


In the pop-up "Choose member" click on the button "Add to team +" to add a desired team member.


The team member is added in the table Team.


Project Running

6. Close an unsuccessful project

Examine a project and close it as not implemented. A notification is generated towards project leader or site manager. The project will be archived as unsuccessful in Evaluation and diffusion list.

Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.


Select the desired project and click on the lens icon to proceed to the detail page.


In the detail age click on the button "Close as not implemented"


In the notification pop-up click on the button Yes to close the project as not implemented.


Project Running

7. Close a project as implemented

Examine a project and close it as implemented. Insert as mandatory implementation notes. Declare the implementation date and the expected saving release date. A notification is generated towards project leader or site manager.

Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.


Select the desired project and click on the lens icon to proceed to the detail page.


In the detail page click on the button Close as implemented.


In the pop-up define the ending and saving date and click on the button Save.


Project Running

8. Analyse running projects with visual charts

Access to main page charts to show and filter data about Running projects overview, Forecasted investments, Forecasted savings, Forecasted benefit cost and savings.

Click on the widget to proceed to the main page.


On the main page, click on the chart icon to expand a drop-down menu with available charts. Click on the desired chart to proceed to the chart page.


On the chart page, the chart shows information of projects per date.


Scroll down to see the chart with all information.


Bellow each chart there is a table which gives detailed information about the chart.