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Temporary Team Management
  • 1. Monitor existing project teams
  • 2. Create a new project team
  • 3. Manage and modify an existing project team
  • 4. Activate/deactivate self assessment for project team members

Temporary Team Management

1. Monitor existing project teams

Display existing project teams, sort them by team name, objective, number of skills and number of members; filter by creation date and expiring date, manager (team leader) and type.

Click on the Team Management widget to proceed to the Team management list page.


Teams can be filtered. Click on the Manager filter field to open a drop-down menu and select the desired manager. Click on the button "Search".


A list of with the corresponding data will appear in the table.


Teams can be ordered. Click on the header column named "Team name" to order teams by team name.


The main table will order teams by their names.


Teams can be ordered. Click on the header column named "Type" to order resources by the type name.


The main table will order resources by their type names.


Temporary Team Management

2. Create a new project team

Create a new project team, insert information about the team name, start date, end date, team type and objective; search for the manager (team leader) and eventually add some notes.

Click on the Team Management widget to proceed to the Team management list page.


Click on the button "New" to proceed to the "Team management new" page to create a new team.


In the "Team management new" page, fill in the Team field with the desired team name.


Pick the desired date in the "Start date" and in the "End date" fields.


Fill in the "Type" and the "Objective" fields with the desired type and objective name.


Click on the "Search" button to select a desired leader from the pop-up.


Click on the button "Select" on the desired available manager to select a manager from the pop-up.


Insert some notes in the "Notes" field and click on the button "Save" to create a new team.


A new team is created.


Temporary Team Management

3. Manage and modify an existing project team

Select a project team among those listed in the main page; modify general information, add, modify or remove skills and members.

Click on the Team Management widget to proceed to the Team management list page.


On the Team management list page, click on the details (lens icon) on the desired team to proceed to the modify page.


In the tab "General", a manager can modify the general data of the team (in this case the team manager has been changed). Modify the desired data and click on the button "Save" to save new data.


Select the tab "Team".


To remove a team member from the team, click on the "X" button in the column "Delete".


To add a team member in the team, scroll down and click on the button "Manage team".


Scroll down on the tab "Team". A new section will be opened. Enter the name or surname of the desired free member.


To add a member to the team click on the button "Add to team +".


A new member will be added to the team.


Scroll down on the tab "Team" and click on the button "Save" to save new team settings.


Temporary Team Management

4. Activate/deactivate self assessment for project team members

In the corresponding tab activate or deactivate self-assessment for project team members.

Click on the Team Management widget to proceed to the Team management list page.


On the Team management list page, click on the details (lens icon) on the desired team to proceed to the modify page.


Select the tab "Self-assessment".


To activate self-assessment for the desired team member click on the "Inactive" button.


The notification pop-up appears. Click on the button "Yes" to activate self-assessment.


The team member will change the status from inactive to active. After activating the team member, manager is able to deactivate it again.


To deactivate self-assessment for the desired team member click on the "Active" button.


The team member will change the status from active to inactive. After deactivating the team member, manager is able to activate it again.