Exagogica Panoptikon
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Result controlling
  • 1. Overview of projects in controlling phase
  • 2. Enter and update real costs and benefits
  • 3. Enter and update expected costs and benefits
  • 4. Close the control phase with the final certification of costs and benefits
  • 5. Analyse control activities through visual tools
  • 6. Validate and consolidate aggregated data for an accounting period

Result controlling

1. Overview of projects in controlling phase

Overview of projects in controlling phase

Click on the Result controlling widget to proceed to the main page.


The main page shows the list of projects. 


Projects can be filtered by the following filters: project name, area, leader and by the status. Click on the desired filter field to open a drop-down menu and select the desired option. Click on the button "Apply".


A list of projects with the corresponding data will appear in the table.


Projects can be ordered. Click on the header column named "Project name" to order projects by their project names.


The main table will order projects by their names.


Result controlling

2. Enter and update real costs and benefits

Enter and update real costs and benefits

Click on the Result controlling widget to proceed to the main page.


Real benefits and costs are in these table columns: Actual benefits and actual costs. Select the desired project (except the status delayed - red-circle colored) and click on the details (lens icon) to proceed to the detail page.


On the detail page select the tab "Controlling".


Scroll down to the tab "Controlling". In the "Benefit" table, fill in all desired fields and click on "+" icon to add benefits to the program. To add costs do the same as in the previous step.


Scroll up to the page and click on the button "Save changes" to save changes.


The notification pop-up appears. Click on the button "Yes" to save changes.


Real benefits and costs are added to the program. Click on the breadcrumbs to go back to the main page.


Real benefits and costs are successfully updated.


Result controlling

3. Enter and update expected costs and benefits

Enter and update expected costs and benefits

Click on the Result controlling widget to proceed to the main page.


Expected benefits and costs are in these table columns: Forecasted benefits and forecasted costs. On the main page, select the desired project (except the status delayed - red-circle colored) and click on the details (lens icon) to proceed to the detail page.


On the detail page select the tab "Controlling".


This tab gives information about the project and allows to modify benefits, costs, soft savings and investments.


Scroll down to the tab "Controlling". In the "Benefit" table, fill in all desired fields and click on "+" icon to add benefits to the program. To add costs do the same as in the previous step.


This fields displays expected benefits and costs values. Click on the button "Save changes" to save changes.


The notification pop-up appears. Click on the button "Yes" to save changes.


Result controlling

4. Close the control phase with the final certification of costs and benefits

Close the control phase with the final certification of costs and benefits

Click on the Result controlling widget to proceed to the main page.


Select the desired project and click on the modify (lens icon).


Select the tab Controlling, scroll down the page and enter the data for benefits and costs for all months. To add a new benefit or a new cost, click on the "+" button.


Click on the button "Save changes".


The notification pop-up will appear. Click on the button "Yes" to certify the project.


Scroll up and click on the button "Certify and publish".


The notification pop-up will appear. Click on the button "Yes" to certify the project.


Result controlling

5. Analyse control activities through visual tools

Analyse control activities through visual tools

Click on the Result controlling widget to proceed to the main page.


The main page shows the list of projects. 


Click on the chart icon to open a drop-down menu with available charts. Select the desired chart to proceed to the chart page.


Scroll to the page to see the chart. This chart shows savings expected before controlling, savings certified, etc.


Chart can be filtered. Click on the desired filter field to open a drop-down menu and select the desired option. Click on the button "Apply".


Filters are successfully applied to the chart.


Result controlling

6. Validate and consolidate aggregated data for an accounting period

Validate and consolidate aggregated data for an accounting period

Click on the Result controlling widget to proceed to the main page.


Select the desired project and click on the modify (lens icon).


Select the tab "Controlling" and click on the button "Close controlling".


The pop-up will appear. Click on the button "Close controlling".


The notification pop-up will appear. Click on the button "Yes" to close the project.