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EHS Audit type management
  • 1. View and edit sections of an audit type

EHS Audit type management

1. View and edit sections of an audit type

Select a type and view the sections provided, modify on one of them by changing their name, description or order of presentation.

Click on the dashboard widget “EHS Audit Type management” to access the main page.


The complete list of audit types you are managing is displayed. Select the specific “Audit type” to be updated and enter the detail.


Access the “Audit sections” tab to view the complete list of related sections.


Identify the “Audit section” to be modified and click on the specific function.


Update the “Name”, the “Description” and click on “Save” once finished.


The “Audit Section” has been duly updated.


If you also need to change its order of visualization in the list, you simply need to drag and drop it in the desired position.