Exagogica Panoptikon


Esplora Panoptikon

Job offers
  • 1. Monitor job offers created
  • 2. Add a new job offer
  • 3. Manage an existing job offer
  • 4. Search for candidates to combine with offers
  • 5. Check activities history on the job offer

Job offers

1. Monitor job offers created

Check KAI and chart data in the widget. Access main page, display manager job offers. Filter them by status. Use advanced filter options.

The widget "Job Offers" on the left shows the following KAI indicators: _research in progress; _ researches Closed; _ With Success; _ Without Success; _percentage of success. On the right is located the graph for the indicators KAI which shows on the X axis the last twelve months elapsed (including the current one) and on the axis of the Y the number of bids generated.

Click anywhere on the widget to access the main page "Job offers ".


In the main page, you will be able to see the table containing all the jobs offers created and that can be managed.


Click on "Advanced Filters " if you want to filter job offers according to the company`s name and/or the offer title and/or the job position and/or the level of experience required.


Results within the table can be filtered based on the "offer status" (open, closed, or both).


Job offers

2. Add a new job offer

Create a job offer by associating it to a specific company`s branch/department. Insert mandatory data. Insert optional data. Save the job offer and check that it has been published.

Click on "Job offers " widget from the dashboard.


From the main page click on the "New Offer" button at the top right-hand side of the page.


A pop-up will open with a form to be completed. The first field to be completed is that of the company`s branch/department to which you associate the offer.


Then complete all mandatory fields (marked with the asterisk) and press the "Forward" button at the bottom right-hand side of the page.


In the next field you will be asked for the profession/job position. Enter the keyword in the highlighted field and click the "apply" button. The system will suggest a list of professions/job positions similar to the keyword entered. Choose one of the recommended professions/job positions and click on the highlighted button "selects " (placed in the column to the right of the list).


The system will ask you to enter the required level of study and study area (these are optional data). Then press the "forward " button, located at the bottom right-hand side of the page.


In the next screen you will be prompted to enter the language skills. To add a language press the highlighted button "Add language " at the top right-hand side of the page (this is not mandatory information).


It will open the pop-up "Add language ". Inside you will be able to insert a language in the highlighted bar.


Change the language proficiency level you want using the highlighted scroll bar. Then press the highlighted button "Save ", at the bottom right-hand side of the pop-up.


Once the adding of language proficiency has been completed, press the highlighted button "forward ", at the bottom right-hand side.


You will be asked to add requirements to the job offer (e.g. retribution band, type of contract, etc.). Once these optional data have been entered, click on the highlighted button "next ", at the bottom right-hand side of the page.


You will need to check all previously entered data before confirming and publishing the job offer by pressing the highlighted button "Complete", located at the bottom right.


The system will ask for one last confirmation before publishing the offer.


To verify that the offer has been properly published, return to the main job offers page. You will find your job offer within the table. You can use advanced filters to search for the job offer more quickly.


Job offers

3. Manage an existing job offer

Modify data of an existing job offer. Freeze a job offer. Close a job offer. Download the job offer with the button "download offer". Print a job offer. Add/modify skills for the job offer, including language competences.

Click on "Job Offers" widget from the dashboard.


Choose the job offer you want to modify and click on the "lens icon" of the corresponding row to access the details of the job offer.


From the "Offer summary " TAB, you can modify job offer data. Then click on "Save Changes" button.


To freeze a job offer, always from the "offer summary " TAB, click the "Hide Offer" button. The offer will no longer be visible to users but can be republished when you want. To publish it again just go to the TAB "offer summary " and click the button "public offer " which will be placed at the location of "Hide offer ". In both cases the system will ask for further confirmation before hiding/publishing the offer.


To close a job offer, on the "offer summary " TAB click the "Close " button. The system will ask for further confirmation before closing the offer.


To download the document regarding the job offer, on the tab "offer Summary " click the button "download offer " at the top right-hand side of the page. The file will be downloaded in PDF format.


To print a job offer always stay on the TAB "offer summary " and click on the highlighted icon at the top right. A page containing the corresponding offer will open. Click on the top right "Print " to proceed.


To add a skill to the offer, navigate to the "Modifiy Skills" TAB and click the "Add skill " button.


It will open the "Add Skill " Pop-up. Within the highlighted bar insert the skill to be added and press the button "Apply ".


The table will show the skills related to the keyword previously inserted. You can add a skill by simply assigning it a percentage value (from 10% to 100%) using the highlighted bars. Press the "close " button, at the bottom right, to confirm the insertion of the desired competence (s).


To add a language stay on the "Modify Skills " TAB and click the "Add language " button at the top right-hand side of the page.


It will open the pop-up "Add language ". Using the drop-down menu under "Language ", select the language you want to add.


Language skills are as follows: _listening and comprehension; _reading and comprehension; _oral production; _written production.

In the table below it will be possible to assign an evaluation, in percentage (from 10% to 100%), for each one of these competences.

The new language skills will be added in the tab "modifiy skills ".


To modifiy a skill (basic, professional, soft, or language), stay on the TAB "modify Skills ".

In the table all the required skills will be present. To change the level of a skill, you will have to click on the plus (+) button (to increase the required level) or on the minus (-) button (to decrease it) in the column "required level ". The system will ask you to confirm the decision before proceeding with the change.


Job offers

4. Search for candidates to combine with offers

Geolocalize candidates for the selected job offer; check details and evaluate suitability of competences and completeness and reliability of the analysis. Combine the candidate to the job offer. Manage pairings to job offers.

Click on "Job offers " from the dashboard.


Click on the "lens icon" in the detail column of the desired offer.


Select the TAB "match candidates".


It will open a screen where you can filter the search according to your specific needs. Next, press on "Apply" button.


A map will open, within it the users are placed available according to their domicile.


Users will be shown with the initial of the name and the initial of the surname. Clicking on one of them will immediately display the percentage of the "suitability level " and age.


To match the desired user to the job offer you must click on the highlighted button "combine " located to the right of the table.


It will open a pop-up called "Combine the offer " where you can enter some comments if deemed useful. Then you have to click the "Save" button at the bottom of the pop-up and the user will be paired with the selected offer.


Job offers

5. Check activities history on the job offer

Analyse the timeline of events regarding the selected job offer. Check ewhen the job offer was created, when resources were combined, when the job offer was eventually frozen and when it eas closed.

Click on "Job Offers" widget from the dashboard.


Click on the lens icon in the detail column of the selected job offer.


To view the event history, click on the highlighted TAB "Historical activity".


In the table below you will be able to verify all activities (creation, freezing, closing) carried out on this specific job offer, arranged in chronological order.