Exagogica Panoptikon


Esplora Panoptikon

Improvement methods
  • 1. Create a new Improvement method
  • 2. Overview the list of improvement methods
  • 3. Modify the improvement method
  • 4. Overview tools associated with improvement methods
  • 5. Overview of professional teams associated with improvement methods
  • 6. Overview of projects associated with improvement methods
  • 7. Overview of root causes associated with improvement methods

Improvement methods

1. Create a new Improvement method

A new improvement method can be created and described within the "New method" pop-up.

Click on the Improvement methods widget to proceed to the main page.


On the main page, click on the button "New method" to open the pop-up.


In the pop-up "New method", fill in all mandatory fields with a desired data and click on the button "Save".


The notification pop-up will appear to confirm that new method was inserted. Click on the button "Ok" to close the notification.


A new improvement method will appear in the table on the main page.


Improvement methods

2. Overview the list of improvement methods

All improvement methods can be viewed in the main page table together with the detailed information containing: tools, professional teams, projects and root causes associated with the method. Moreover, the data can be filtered.

Click on the Improvement methods widget to proceed to the main page.


The main page shows the list of improvement methods with detailed information containing: tools, professional teams, projects, and root causes related to the method and allows to create new methods.


Improvement methods can be ordered. Click on the header column named "Method name" to order method by name.


The main table will order improvement methods by their names.


Methods can be filtered. Click on the "Method name" filter field and insert the desired method name. Click on the button "Apply".


A list of improvement methods with the corresponding data will appear in the main table.


Improvement methods

3. Modify the improvement method

Improvement methods can be modified or deleted if necessary.

Click on the Improvement methods widget to proceed to the main page.


On the main page select the desired method and click on the detail (lens icon) to proceed to the detail page.


The Details tab shows detailed information on the desired method (Method name and Description).


On the tab Details, click on the "Method name" field and modify the improvement method name and click on the "Description" field and fill the description. Click on the button "Save" to apply new settings.


The notification pop-up appears. Click on the button "Yes" to save changes.


Click on the breadcrumbs to go back to the main page.


A modified improvement method will appear in the main table on the main page.


Improvement methods can be deleted. Scroll down the main page and click on the delete button (trash icon) to remove the desired improvement method.


The notification pop-up appears. Click on the button "Yes" to delete the improvement methods .


The improvement method will disappear from the main table. 


Improvement methods

4. Overview tools associated with improvement methods

Tools associated with an improvement method can be viewed in the tab table, with the information regarding their phases.

Click on the Improvement methods widget to proceed to the main page.


Select the desired improvement method and click on the detail (lens icon) to proceed to the detail page.


Select the "Tools" tab.


This tab in the data table shows all tools associated with the method selected and shows the information regarding their phases.


Click on the filter field "Tool name" and insert a desired tool name. Click on the button apply to filter tools.


The improvement tool with the corresponding data will appear in the table.


Improvement methods

5. Overview of professional teams associated with improvement methods

Professional teams associated with an improvement method can be viewed in the tab table, with the information regarding their sites and the number of members.

Click on the Improvement methods widget to proceed to the main page.


Click on details (lens icon) on the desired method to proceed to the detail page.


Select the "Professional teams" tab.


This tab in the data table shows all professional teams associated with the method selected, shows their site and number of members.


Click on the filter field "Professional team name" and insert a desired professional team name. Click on the button apply to filter professional teams.


The professional team with the corresponding data will appear in the table.


Improvement methods

6. Overview of projects associated with improvement methods

Projects associated with an improvement method can be viewed in the tab table, with the information regarding their sites and their types.

Click on the Improvement methods widget to proceed to the main page.


Select the desired improvement method and click on the detail (lens icon) to proceed to the detail page.


Select the "Projects" tab.


This tab in the data table shows all projects associated with the method selected, shows information on their site and their type.


Click on the filter field "Project name" and insert a desired project name. Click on the button apply to filter projects.


The project with the corresponding data will appear in the table.


Improvement methods

7. Overview of root causes associated with improvement methods

Root causes associated with an improvement method can be viewed in the tab table, with the information regarding their approach and associated loss types.

Click on the Improvement methods widget to proceed to the main page.


Select the desired improvement method and click on the detail (lens icon) to proceed to the detail page.


Select the "Root causes" tab.


This tab in the data table shows all root causes associated with the method selected, shows information on their approach and associated loss types.


Click on the filter field "Root cause name" and insert a desired root cause name. Click on the button apply to filter root causes.


The root causes with the corresponding data will appear in the table.