Exagogica Panoptikon


Esplora Panoptikon

Operation type management
  • 1. Display the list of the branches
  • 2. Display the list of the types, filter and order
  • 3. Create a new type
  • 4. Access to the type details and checklist
  • 5. Manage type checklist

Operation type management

1. Display the list of the branches

Display the list of the branches

Click on the widget to access the General summary page.


The general summary page shows the list of branch.


The branches can be ordered by clicking on the header column. For example click on the column "Operations associaed" to order branches by number of operations.


Click on the column "Sites" to order branches by number of sites.


Operation type management

2. Display the list of the types, filter and order

Display the list of the types, filter and order

Click on the widget (if you are a higher level manager, go through the summary pages or click "view all") to reach the main page.


The main page shows a list of operation types with their scopes.


Operation types can be filtered by; branch, site and name. For example, enter the name of the operation type in the field "Search" and click on the button "Apply.


Click on the column "Operations associated" to order operation types by number of operations that they contain.


In case the operation type has a complete checklist, click on the "+" button in the column "Checklist" to view the list of capabilities.


Operation type management

3. Create a new type

Create a new type

Click on the widget (if you are a higher level manager, go through the summary pages or click "view all") to reach the main page.


To create a new operation type, click on the button "New operation type".


Define all the mandatory data and click on the button "Save".


The notification pop-up will appear showing that the operation type is successfully created.


The operation type appears in the table on the main page.


Operation type management

4. Access to the type details and checklist

Access to the type details and checklist

Click on the widget (if you are a higher level manager, go through the summary pages or click "view all") to reach the main page.


Select a desired operation with the operation type and click on the detail (lens icon).


In the tab Detail the main information about a certain operation type is displayed.


To modify information insert a desired data in the fields and click on the button "Save". To delete the operation type click on the button "Delete".


Click on the "Checklist" tab to view capabilities.


Add the new capability by defining the level and the name of a capability and click on the button "Add".


To delete a capability click on the trash icon in the "Delete" column.


Operation type management

5. Manage type checklist

Manage type checklist

Click on the widget (if you are a higher level manager, go through the summary pages or click "view all") to reach the main page.


Click on the detail (lens icon) to proceed to the detail page.


Click on the tab Checklist to view and manage capabilities.


To add a capability, define the level and the name of the capability and click on the button "Save" in the "Add capability" window.


In order to manage a capability, modify a name and select/unselect a "special" checkbox and click on the button "Save". To change the level, define a new lewel in the column "Change level".


To delete a cabability, click on the trash icon in the column "Delete".