- 1. Create a new group
- 2. Overview different branches catalog structure
- 3. Show, select and order groups
- 4. Check a specific group skill requirements
- 5. Modify a group
- 6. Define a skill level requirement for a group
- 7. Specify exceptions for skill level requirement
- 8. Compare group characteristics
- 9. Assign the same requirement to all the groups
Group management
1. Create a new group
Group shall be created with the button "New group".
Access the Group management widget which leads you to the summary page.
Select a desired branch in the summary page by clicking on "Detail" where you want to create a group.
At the main page click on the button "New group" situated at the right side of the page.
Button "New group" opens a pop-up where the name of the group needs to be defined.
When the group name is entered click on the button "Save".
The new group will appear in the main table after it is created.
Group management
2. Overview different branches catalog structure
Different branches can be overviewd in the general summary page.
Access the Group management widget which leads you to the summary page.
General summary page is consisted of three main parts: filter, main and summary table.
Branches can be filtered by name. For example, if the word "corporation 1" is entered the main table will show the branch containing this word in its name.
Information contained in the main table includes: branch name, number of groups in a branch, number of sub-groups, number of job specs, number of job positions, number of resources and number of skills.
Summary table gives a general overview of the all information presented in the main table. This table presents a total number of: branches, groups, sub-groups, job specs, job positions, resources and number of skills.
All the information presented in the general summary page can be represented graphically, exported in a spreadsheet or printed.
Group management
3. Show, select and order groups
All groups can be viewed in the main table together with the detailed information containing number of sub-groups, job specs, number of job positions, number of resources and skills per group. Moreover, the data can be filtered.
Access the Group management widget which leads you to the summary page.
Select a desired branch in the summary page by clicking on "Detail" where you want to create a group
Main page is consisted of three main parts: filter, main and summary table.
Groups can be filtered by name. For example, if the word "management" is entered the main table will show all the groups containing this word in their names.
Each of the coumns in the main table can be sorted either alphabetically or numerically. For example, clicking on the column "Group skills" will sort the data numerically.
Summary table can be used for the statistical purposes. For example, if you need to calculate the average number of skills per group the data can be used from the table. The 1st column gives the total number of groups and the last column gives the total number of skills. Dividing those two values will give the average number of skills per group.
Group management
4. Check a specific group skill requirements
Group skill requirements can be seen in the tab "Details" which are posted per sector.
Access the Group management widget which leads you to the summary page.
Select a desired branch in the summary page by clicking on "Detail".
Select a desired group in the main page by clicking on "Detail".
Select tab "Skills" in the detail page.
Skill requirements are presented in the table and which gives an information about the sector (Professional in this case), skill name, area, expected level of the skill and the possible exceptions of the expected level for some role profiles.
Group skills requirements can be exported in a spreadsheet or printed.
Group management
5. Modify a group
Groups can be modified or deleted if necessary.
Access the Group management widget which leads you to the summary page.
Select a desired branch in the summary page by clicking on "Detail".
Select a desired group in the main page by clicking on "Detail".
In the tab "Details" click on the button "Modify" which will open a pop-up.
Change the name of the group and click on the button "Save" to confirm the change.
If you want to delete the group, simply click on the button "Delete". Bear in mind that the group needs to be empty in order to delete it, meaning that it cannot contain any sub-groups nor the skills.
Group management
6. Define a skill level requirement for a group
Each group can contain skills from the general skill catalog and from the branch skill catalog.
Access the Group management widget which leads you to the summary page.
Select a desired branch in the summary page by clicking on "Detail".
Select a desired group in the main page by clicking on "Detail".
Select tab "Skills" in the detail page where you will see the buttons "Add skill" and "Modify".
Click on the button "Add skill" and a pop-up will appear. In this pop-up names of the skills can be selected with the expected level of the skill. When all the information is added, click on the button "Save".
Click on the button "Modify" and a pop-up will appear. In this pop-up the expected level of the added skills can be changed. On the other side, skills can be deleted. To confirm the action, click on the button "Save".
Group management
7. Specify exceptions for skill level requirement
Each skill can have exceptions in regard to a certain role profile.
Access the Group management widget which leads you to the summary page.
Select a desired branch in the summary page by clicking on "Detail".
Select a desired group in the main page by clicking on "Detail".
Select tab "Skills" in the detail page where you will see the button "Define exceptions".
Click on the button "Define exceptions" and a pop-up will appear. At first, this pop-up will contain a field displayig role profiles which already have defined exceptions and an option to select another role profile to which you want to define some new exceptions.
When a role profile is selected, a table with group skills will appear. Here an exception for the selected role profile can be defined which value needs to be different than the value of the expected level. To confirm the change, click on the button "Save".
Group management
8. Compare group characteristics
Skill tree allows one to have a tree representation of the group skills where a certain skill can be added to more than one group.
Access the Group management widget which leads you to the summary page.
Select a desired branch in the summary page by clicking on "Detail".
Within the main page click on the button "Tree" which will open a group tree.
To add a skill to more than one group, select desired groups and click on "Add new skill".
Insert a skill name which does not belong in the selected groups. Select an expected skill level and click on "Add Skill".
By clicking on the selected groups, a list of skills will appear including the new added skills. To confirm the action, click on button "Save".
Group management
9. Assign the same requirement to all the groups
Skill tree also allows modification of the skill expected level for different groups.
Access the Group management widget which leads you to the summary page.
Select a desired branch in the summary page by clicking on "Detail".
Within the main page click on the button "Tree" which will open a group tree.
Click on the group names for which the same skill requirement needs to be made.
In the skill list, find the same skills which need to have the same expected level (or to be deleted).
Change the expected level of the required skills to the same value (or delete the skills) and click on the button "Save".