Exagogica Panoptikon


Esplora Panoptikon

Job searching
  • 1. Monitor job searches created
  • 2. Create a new job search
  • 3. Manage an existing job search
  • 4. Search for suitable offers with job searching feature
  • 5. Check activities history on the job search

Job searching

1. Monitor job searches created

Check KAI and chart data in the widget. Access the main page, dispaly the list of managed job searches. FIlter them by status. Use advanced filter options.

The widget "Job Searching" On the left shows the following KAI indicators: _research running; _ researches Closed; _ With Success; _ Without Success; _success rate. On the right is the graph of the KAI indicators that shows on the X axis the last twelve months elapsed (including the current one) and on the Y axis the number of searches created.

Click any point on the widget to access the main page "Job Searching ".


By accessing the main page you will be able to view the table containing the list with the managed job searches.


The results of the table can be filtered by "Status ": open (search currently in progress), success (search closed successfully), negative outcome (search closed without success) or all.

Click the "Apply" button.


You can also filter the results of the table with the "Advanced Filters ": offer title, level, sector.

Click the "Apply" button.


Job searching

2. Create a new job search

Create a job search for the resource. Insert mandatory data for the new job search. Insert optional data. Save the job search and check that it has been published.

Clicking on the "Job Searching" widget from the dashboard.


Click on the highlighted button "new research ".


It will appear a pop up with a table containing all the users with whom you can open a new job search.

Using the highlighted filter "active/inactive " you can filter the results of the table by active, inactive or active and inactive status.

It is also possible to search for a specific resources with the filter name/surname.


To continue, click on the highlighted button "select " in the corresponding row of the resource for whom a new job search has to be created.


Assign a title to the job search (mandatory field). You can also enter the date from which the resource will be available (optional field). Then press the button "forward", at the bottom right-hand side of the page, or "back" to go to the previous page.


Insert a keyword in the highlighted bar to find the profession/job position you are looking for. Then press the ` Apply ` button.


Choose the profession/job position you want from those in the underneath table and press the button "select " on the right-hand column.


Then the system will ask for more information to make the search more specific, such as the retribution band, working hours, the type of the contract, the city and the distance. These data are optional, but make the research more accurate. Once data have been inserted, click the button "forward ", at the bottom right-hand side of the page, or go "back" to the previous page.


In this field (notes) it will be possible to enter some observations (additional details useful to search). The field is not mandatory. Then click on the "forward " button at the bottom right-hand side or go "back" to the previous page.


This last page that will open will be the job search summary. Check all previously entered data and click on the button "Save " at the bottom right-hand side or go "back" to previous pages to make changes.


To verify that the job search has been published, return to the main page. The search will be displayed in the main page table.


Job searching

3. Manage an existing job search

Modify data of an exixsting job search. Delete a job search. Print a job search.

Click on "Job Searching " widget from the dashboard.


Click on the "lens icon" of the desired search to go into details.


From the TAB "Search summary " it is possible to modify the job search information (e.g. availability, type of contract, etc.).

Then press the button "Save changes" to save the changes made.


To delete a job search click the highlighted button "Delete Search ".

The system will ask for further confirmation before deleting the job search.


To print a job search click on the highlighted icon.


Job searching

4. Search for suitable offers with job searching feature

Geolocalize suitable job offers with job searching fetarue; analyse details and assess conformity of competence, completeness of the analysis and reliability of the analysis. Combine the resource to the job offer. Manage pairings of resources to job offers.

Click on "Job searching".


Click on corresponding details column (lens icon) of the desired job search.


Click on detail TAB "Match offers".


The TAB displays at the top of the page a map on which you can find all available vacancies corresponding to the job searching, divided by geographic area. Below the map, there is a table that contains all the offers displayed in the map and provides more details (e.g. type of contract, similar position, conformity of competence, etc...).


To match the job search to a job offer you need to click the highlighted button "Combine " which is in the last column of the table located below the map.


Click on detail TAB "Matchings " to manage the pairings in progress.


Job searching

5. Check activities history on the job search

Analyse the timeline of events regarding the selected job search. Check when it was created, when pairings to job offers have been made, when eventually the job search has been frozen or when it has been closed.

Click on "Job Searching"widget from the dashboard.


Click on the lens icon in the detail columns of the selected job search.


Click on the highlighted TAB "Historical activity".


Within the table will be present all the activities performed on this specific search (from creation to closure) in chronological order. You can filter the results using the filters placed above the table (Activities, Outcome, Resource). The filters are activated by clicking the "Apply" button.