Exagogica Panoptikon


Esplora Panoptikon

Program evaluation
  • 1. Compare summary data
  • 2. Compare the data of the resources for current and all programs
  • 3. Analyze the competence of a team through the graphs
  • 4. Request a massive self-assessment and co-assessment
  • 5. Request a co-assessment and manage the request
  • 6. Check and compare the data of the co-assessments
  • 7. Update the evaluation of a resource
  • 8. Identify the gaps of resources on a current or other programs
  • 9. Open a development action
  • 10. Manage a development action
  • 11. Request the closure of a development action
  • 12. Accept a development action request

Program evaluation

1. Compare summary data

Compare summary data.

Click on the widget Program evaluation to access the summary page.


The information dislpayed in the summary page shows the data for the program which is set as "Current" by defoult. In the main page different entities can be compared by: number of resources, skill targers, evaluations, etc. (entities are: branches, sites, departments and teams).


For example, to sort the data by the number of resources click on the column named "No. of resources".


To compare the data per development programs, select a desired program in the filter called "Development program" and click on the button "Apply"


The data from the table can be exported in a spreadsheet file by clicking on the export icon.


Program evaluation

2. Compare the data of the resources for current and all programs

Compare the data of the resources for current and all programs.

Click on the widget Program evaluation (if you are a higher level manager, go through the summary pages or click "view all") to reach the main page.


The main page will list the resource which participate in the program selected as "Current".


Scroll down the page to compare the data of resources per: skill targets, assessments, number of initial gaps, etc.


For example, to sort the data by the number of opened development actions click on the column named "No. of development actions open".


To compare the data of the resources for all programs, unselect the program in the filter "Development program" and the list of all the resources will be displayed in the table.


In order to compare the data in a graphic form, click on the chart icon and select one of the 4 charts available from the drop-down menu.


Program evaluation

3. Analyze the competence of a team through the graphs


Click on the widget Program evaluation (if you are a higher level manager, go through the summary pages or click "view all") to reach the main page.


In the main page select the chart icon and select "Team average competence level".


The "Team average competence level" chart displays the expected, average and entry skill level for all members of the team via radar chart.


Scroll down the page to see the whole chart together with the table which shows the data from the chart.


In order to see only the expected level in the chart, deselect all the series from the legend except the series "Expected level".


To analyze the competence of the team, select the series "Skill level avg." and compare the difference between the expected and the average level of the team.


Program evaluation

4. Request a massive self-assessment and co-assessment

Check the dashboard widget to have a preview of the status of your activities. Access the main page to manage development programs and view all the detailed information. Then, requesto self-assessment or co-assessment.

Click on the widget Program evaluation (if you are a higher level manager, go through the summary pages or click "view all") to reach the main page.


The main page will list the resource which participate in the program selected as "Current".


To request a massive self-assessment, click on the button "Request self-assessment".


Choose the type of notification in the pop-up and click on the button "Send" to forward the self-assessment request to the resources.


To request a massive co-assessment, click on the button "Request co-assessment".


Choose the e-mail as notifying option in the pop-up and click on the button "Send" to forward the co-assessment request to the resources.


Program evaluation

5. Request a co-assessment and manage the request

Request a co-assessment and manage the request.

Click on the widget Program evaluation (if you are a higher level manager, go through the summary pages or click "view all") to reach the main page.


Select a desired resource from the main page to check the data of the co-assessments.


In the detail page select the tab "Co-assessment" which shows the list of co-assessments for the "current" program of a selected resource.


In order to request the co-assessment from the selected resource, click on the button "Request co-assessment".


Within the pop-up "Request co-assessment" select "email" as a notifying option and click on the button "Send".


Program evaluation

6. Check and compare the data of the co-assessments

Check and compare the data of the co-assessments.

Click on the widget Program evaluation (if you are a higher level manager, go through the summary pages or click "view all") to reach the main page.


Select a desired resource from the main page to check the data of the co-assessments.


In the detail page select the tab "Co-assessment" which shows the list of co-assessments for the "current" program of the selected resource.


To check the data of the co-assessments for other programs select one of the options in the filter "Development program" and click on the button "Apply".


In order to check the co-assessment of a single skill, select both "Development program" and "Skill" filters and click on the button "Apply".


Program evaluation

7. Update the evaluation of a resource

Check the dashboard widget to have a preview of the status of your activities. Access the main page to manage your development programs, choose the specific one to be monitored and view all the detailed information. Then, focus your attention on the evaluation completion percentage, choose the resource to be evaluated and proceed with the assessment.

Click on the widget Program evaluation (if you are a higher level manager, go through the summary pages or click "view all") to reach the main page.


In the main page check the column “% of initial evaluation” to verify the evaluation completion percentage.


Identify the resource you need to evaluate and enter the detail.


In the tab “Evaluation” use the column "Manager evaluation" to evaluate the resource.


Scroll down the page and proceed with the evaluation choosing the level to be assigned in the column “Manager evaluation”.


If the evaluation is proceeded for the first time, click on the button "Define initial level".


Program evaluation

8. Identify the gaps of resources on a current or other programs

Identify the gaps of resources on a current or other programs.

Click on the widget Program evaluation (if you are a higher level manager, go through the summary pages or click "view all") to reach the main page.


The main page will list the resource which participate in the program selected as "Current".


Scroll down the page to see the whole list and sort the data numericaly by clicking on the column "No. of current gaps" to display the number of gaps per resource from the highest to the lowest number.


To view the number of gaps per program in a graphic form, click on the chart icon and select "Gaps and development actions /skills new targets".


In this chart the number of current gaps can be identified per program, as well as the number of actions, requested evaluations and skill targets.


Scroll down the page to see the whole chart. To see the current gaps per program, deselect all the series in the legend exept the "Current gaps". Moreover the data from the chart is presented in the table bellow.


Program evaluation

9. Open a development action

Check the dashboard widget to have a preview of the status of your activities. Access the main page to manage your development programs, choose the specific one to be analyzed and view all the detailed information. Select the resource you need to monitor. Then, focus your attention on the number of gaps, choose a specific one and open a development action including all the necessary information.

Click on the widget Program evaluation (if you are a higher level manager, go through the summary pages or click "view all") to reach the main page.


In the main page select a resource for which the development action needs to be created.


Tab evaluation displays the list of the skills of the selected resource with the expected and evaluated level, and the possible skill gap.


Scroll down the page to see all the list of skills. Analyze gaps in detail, select a specific one and click on the "+" button to create the development action.


A pop-up will open where the folowing information has to be defined:target level, starting and ending date. Once all the necessary information have been included, click on the button “Create training”.


It can be observed that the development action is opened.


Program evaluation

10. Manage a development action

Check the dashboard widget to have a preview of the status of your activities. Access the main page to manage your development programs, choose the specific one to be analyzed and view all the detailed information. Select the resource you need to monitor. Then, focus your attention on the development actions, choose the specific one to be managed, add all the necessary information and certificate it.

Click on the widget Program evaluation (if you are a higher level manager, go through the summary pages or click "view all") to reach the main page.


Select a resource for which you have to manage the development action.


Select the tab Development actions which displays the list of the actions of the selected resource.


Find the opened development action and select the one you need to manage by clicking on the "pencil" icon.


The pop-up "Manage development action" will open. Scroll down the page and define if the development action is performed or not, and click on the button "Save".


Program evaluation

11. Request the closure of a development action


Click on the widget Program evaluation (if you are a higher level manager, go through the summary pages or click "view all") to reach the main page.


Select a desired resource on the main page, for which the development action needs to be closed.


In the detail page select the tab Development actions, which shows the list of actions in which the resource participates or have been participated.


Find a development action with the status "Open-Expired" and click on the "pencil" icon.


The pop-up "manage development action" contains the information about the selected action.


Scroll down the content of the pop-up. In the bottom of the pop-up select "Yes" and define the completion date and spedify if the objective was achieved or not. Finnaly, click on the button "Save" to finish with the action.


Program evaluation

12. Accept a development action request


Click on the widget Program evaluation (if you are a higher level manager, go through the summary pages) to reach the main page.


In the main page define the name of the resource for which the development action request has to be accepted.


On the detail page select tab Development actions and a list of available development action will be displayed in a table.


Scroll down the page and find a development action which has the state "REQUESTED" and click on the Modify icon in that row and a pop-up will appear.


On the pop-up displayed, click on the button "Accept" and a confirmation dialog will appear.


In the confirmation dialog click on the button "Yes" and development action request is accepted.