Exagogica Panoptikon
Home> Struttura> Human capital> Development programs> Performance correlation


Esplora Panoptikon

Performance correlation
  • 1. Compare summary data
  • 2. Compare resources data
  • 3. Add a performance record
  • 4. Extract, populate and update a record list
  • 5. View current performances, trends, competence and action related gains for a specific resource

Performance correlation

1. Compare summary data

Compare summary data

Click on the widget Performance correlation to access the summary page.


In the summary page the different entities can be compared by: average no. of resources, consolidated average performance, current average performance, etc. (entities are: branches, sites, departments and teams).


For example, to sort the data for curent average skill level click on the column named "Curent average skill level".


To compare the data per development programs, select a desired program in the filter called "Development program" and click on the button "Apply"


The data from the table can be exported in a spreadsheet file by clicking on the export icon.


Performance correlation

2. Compare resources data

Compare resources data

Click on the widget (if you are a higher level manager, go through the summary pages or click "view all") to reach the main page.


The main page shows data about performances for each resource.


Scroll down to compare resources by: different performances, trend, average skill level, etc.


For example, to sort the data for average skill level click on the column named "Current average skill level".


The resources can be additionally compared by selecting some of the filters, such as: Development program or one of the entities (branches, sites, departments and teams).


The data from the table can be exported in a spreadsheet file by clicking on the export icon.


Performance correlation

3. Add a performance record

Add a performance record

Click on the widget (if you are a higher level manager, go through the summary pages or click "view all") to reach the main page.


Select a desired resource on the main page, which leads to the detail page.


If there is no data displayed in the tab Performance, click on the button "Add consolidated performance". In case the consolidated performance is already inserted, proceed to the step number 5.


In the pop-up "Add consolidated performance" define the "Recording date" and the "Consolidated performance" and click on the button "Save".


To insert current performance, click on the button "Add current performance".


In the pop-up "Add current performance" define the "Recording date", (which need to be posterior the consolidated performance date) and the "Consolidated performance". There is an option to add more than one current performance bu clickin on the button "+" in the column named "New". To save the perforamance data click on the button "Save".


Performance correlation

4. Extract, populate and update a record list

Extract, populate and update a record list

Click on the widget Performance correlation to access the general summary page.


The template current performances export allows downloading of a spreadsheet template.


The template current performances import allows uploading of a spreadsheet template.


The template consolidated performances export allows downloading of a spreadsheet template.


The template consolidated performances import allows uploading of a spreadsheet template.


Performance correlation

5. View current performances, trends, competence and action related gains for a specific resource

View current performances, trends, competence and action related gains for a specific resource.

Click on the widget (if you are a higher level manager, go through the summary pages or click "view all") to reach the main page.


Select a desired resource on the main page, which leads to the detail page.


Tab Performances gives information about the current performances and the performance trend of the resource together with the recording date.


Tab Competence gains gives information about the skill level gains of the resource for every skill in chosen program.


Tab Action related gains gives information about all the skill gains of the resource for all the related development actions in which the resource is involved.