Exagogica Panoptikon


Esplora Panoptikon

Development actions
  • 1. Compare summary data
  • 2. Analyze the development action outcome index per team manager
  • 3. Analyze the development action outcome index per entity
  • 4. Compare resources data
  • 5. Overview development actions and their statuses per entity
  • 6. Display actions based on different statuses
  • 7. Overview development actions and their statuses per team manager
  • 8. Fliter data by program and skill for a specific resource
  • 9. Display one action detail and manage it

Development actions

1. Compare summary data

Compare summary data

Click on the widget Development actions to access the summary page.


In the summary page the different entities can be compared by: requested, opened and closed development actions (entities are: branches, sites, departments and teams).


For example, to sort the data for successfully closed development actions click on the column named "Successful".


To compare the data per development programs, select a desired program in the filter called "Development program" and click on the button "Apply"


The data from the table can be exported in a spreadsheet file by clicking on the export icon.


Development actions

2. Analyze the development action outcome index per team manager

Analyze the development action outcome index per team manager.

Click on the widget Development actions to access the summary page.


Click on the chart icon and select the "Team actions / targets" chart.


The Team actions / targets chart shows the outcome index for each status, per team member. The outcome index is derived by deviding the development action statuses (successful, open and unsuccessful) by the number of skill targets.


Scroll down the page to see the whole chart together with the table which contains the data from the graph.


The blue line shows the outcome index of the successful development actions, which is derived when the number of successfully closed actions is divided by the number of skill targets.


The yellow line shows the outcome index of the opened development actions, which is derived when the number of opened actions is divided by the number of skill targets.


The orange line shows the outcome index of the unsuccessful development actions, which is derived when the number of unsuccessfully closed actions is divided by the number of skill targets.


Development actions

3. Analyze the development action outcome index per entity

Analyze the development action outcome index per entity.

Click on the widget Development actions to access the summary page.


Click on the chart icon and select the "Action Targers Summary" chart.


The Actions Targets Summary chart shows the outcome index for each status, per entity. The outcome index is derived by deviding the development action statuses (successful, open and unsuccessful) by the number of skill targets.


Scroll down the page to see the whole chart together with the table which contains the data from the graph.


The blue line shows the outcome index of the successful development actions, which is derived when the number of successfully closed actions is divided by the number of skill targets.


The yellow line shows the outcome index of the opened development actions, which is derived when the number of opened actions is divided by the number of skill targets.


The orange line shows the outcome index of the unsuccessful development actions, which is derived when the number of unsuccessfully closed actions is divided by the number of skill targets.


Development actions

4. Compare resources data

Compare resources data

Click on the widget (if you are a higher level manager, go through the summary pages or click "view all") to reach the main page.


The main page shows data about development actions for each resource.


Scroll down to compare resources by: development programs, skills target and the state of the development actions.


For example, to sort the data for target level click on the column named "Target level".


The resources can be additionally compared by selecting some of the filters, such as: Program name, Skill or one of the entities (branches, sites, departments and teams).


The data from the table can be exported in a spreadsheet file by clicking on the export icon.


Development actions

5. Overview development actions and their statuses per entity

Overview development actions and their statuses per entity.

Click on the widget Development actions to access the summary page.


Click on the chart icon and select the Action Summary chart.


The chart Action Summary displays the number of development actions and their statuses per entity.


Scroll down the page to see the whole chart.


To see all the successfully closed development actions, deselect all the series in the legend except the "Successfully closed"


All the information from the chart is contained in the table below. To export the data from the table in a spreadsheet, click on the export icon on the top-right part of the page.


Development actions

6. Display actions based on different statuses

Display actions based on different statuses

Click on the widget (if you are a higher level manager, go through the summary pages or click "view all") to reach the main page.


The main page shows data about development actions for each resource.


Within the main page there is a filter called "Status / Condition" which gives several options of different development action statuses.


The successfully closed development actions will appear in the table by selecting the option "Close - Successful" from the filter`s drop-down menu and by clicking on the button "Apply".


The open development actions will appear in the table by selecting the option "Open - Current" from the filter`s drop-down menu and by clicking on the button "Apply".


The requested development actions will appear in the table by selecting the option "Requested - pending" from the filter`s drop-down menu and by clicking on the button "Apply".


Development actions

7. Overview development actions and their statuses per team manager

Overview development actions and their statuses per team manager.

Click on the widget Development actions to access the summary page.


Click on the chart icon and select the "Team Actions" chart.


The Team Actions chart shows the number of development actions for each team manager.


Scroll down the page to see the whole chart together with the table which contains the data from the chart.


To see all the successfully closed development actions, deselect all the series in the legend except the "Successfully closed".


All the information from the chart is contained in the table below. To export the data from the table in a spreadsheet, click on the export icon on the top-right part of the page.


Development actions

8. Fliter data by program and skill for a specific resource

Filter data by program and skill for a specific resource.

Click on the widget (if you are a higher level manager, go through the summary pages or click "view all") to reach the main page.


The main page shows data about development actions for each resource. Select a desired resource in the table.


Select the tab "Development actions" to see the list of all the actions in which the resource participates.


To filter the data select filters "Program name" and "Skill". For example, select program name "Dev Program#4", and the list of skills within that program will appear in the table.


To filter by skill within the program, select one of the offered options in the filter "Skill". For example, select skill "Plastic components Category Knowledge" and that skill will appear in the table.


Development actions

9. Display one action detail and manage it

Display one action detail and manage it

Click on the widget (if you are a higher level manager, go through the summary pages or click "view all") to reach the main page.


The main page shows data about development actions for each resource. Select the filter "Status / Current" and choose "Open - Current" and click on the button "Apply".


When the data in the table is filtered by the "open - current" development actions, select a desired action and click on the "Details".


In the tab Detail the information about the develiopment action is displayed, such as the information about the resource, developmernt program, the still target, etc.


Click on the button "Manage development action" to manage the development action.


Scroll down the content of the pop-up and select if the training action is performed or not by selecting "Yes" or "No" and click on the button "Save".